A series I've decided to start working on...

Story by Reaps25

I've been pretty much a shadow here at the forums and I've decided to contribute to something I like (a lot to be honest). Now I'm no master story writer like Jokermon (damn that would be nice wouldn't it?) but I'm giving my writing skills a go and sharing a fantasy of mine. I hope at least one person on here will like it as much as I do. Note that this is a work in progress and this is not the final draft but the result of a quick writing session. I'm open to suggestions and I very much want to make this series one hot mama (literally). There is no "action" yet but just a precursor of what's to come.

The Truth - Part 1

Journal Entry #1:

Tuesday, December 15th

Due to events that I’m about to explain I’ve decided to start a journal to channel my thoughts and ease tension not only for myself but someone I care about. Since this is the first time I’m ever doing something like this I might as well start from the beginning: My name is John and for the past 17 years I've lived a normal life; I've gone to school and hung out with my friends, went out with a few girls here and there but something always felt different. Deep down I felt a nagging at my stomach, not a large tug that would drive someone insane after a while but a twitch if you will. Every now and again I would feel a slight movement in my gut and I could never find a pattern for when it would occur and anything of significance going on at the time. I've scoured the internet in hopes of finding a medical solution to it but it came up dry. I do know that it tends to happen 3 times a week and it's always on random days. Now the reason I would even bring this up is that this twitch is starting to occur more and more as I inch towards my 18th birthday and among...other things. Anyway, I live out in the suburbs of the state capital in a more upper class neighborhood with my mother. She's the most caring person I know and has taken care of me ever since I was 3 when my father walked out on us. She told me it was a mutual decision and I would be better off without him (that's a mutual decision?) as he was never exactly keen on having a kid at 18 and that he still had things he wanted to do with his life. So I never pressed the issue about my dad and I think I've turned out ok. I'm currently 5'11" with a medium frame that has a healthy dose of muscle thanks to lifting heavy objects on a daily basis when I was working. I was always told I was 'cute' by my girlfriends mainly due to my dark hair combined with hazel-brown eyes so my self-esteem was high and I like to think my friends would've noticed and even complemented me on it if not for them ogling my 41 year old mom Michelle. She's a tall woman at around 6'2" (yes it does intimidate me) with some of the most long and toned legs I've ever seen on a woman with fiery red hair adorned atop the face of a 30 year old model and piercing blue eyes (I got my looks from my father I pre