Heroes (fan)fic: Fall In Mutual Weirdness [futa/female]

Story by eliseolisbos

Summary: Claire tries to deal with a normal life, while hiding what she is.

Warnings/Notes: This was written for a request from frozonese, who had asked for something to do with Claire's character in Heroes. Just so you know, I've watched maybe 2 episodes in the first season, so there's probably nothing familiar in terms of canon or characterization... that's my excuse, anyway; this can be called Alternate Universe, if you like. Warnings for pregnancy as well, and some spoilers for those who have never watched the show.

Fall In Mutual Weirdness

© 2009 eliseolisbos

Claire has been through a lot of shit. She has seen and done things that would have turned most people's hair grey, but she's been through it and out the other side in more or less one piece; this, however, this kiss that her college room-mate gives her right before they're told they are both new members of Alpha Chi... it is so completely out of her league that she stands there blinking in shock for a long moment as Gretchen steps back, smiling awkwardly.

"I'm crushing on you," Gretchen tells her and looks uncertain, like a puppy that wants to please but doesn't quite know how.

"Oh," Claire says. "Okay." She thinks a little bit. "Even with my--"

"Yes," Gretchen gushes, nodding quickly. "Even with that... strange freaky awesome stuff you can do."

Claire breathes out and nods her own head, trying to work through the tumbling thoughts in her mind. Her room-mate knows about her powers, the way her body heals itself after any injury. However, she doesn't know about what Claire has been through because of this blessed curse, the things she has seen and done.

But maybe Claire deserves a bit of weird happiness, just for once in her life. Maybe she can choose her own way to be happy, no matter what anyone says.

She takes another deep breath. "Okay. Can I show you something? Not now though. Later."

Gretchen's face lights up, as if Claire had offered to give her a million dollars. "Yes." She nods quickly, her brown hair almost flying around her face. "You can show me anything."

The other girls choose this moment to blast into the room and announce that they're a part of the sorority now, but Claire's mind is still fixated on that kiss and Gretchen's smile is shy but pleased.


They're locked in the tiny bathroom later in the night, away from the other dorm-inhabitants, changed into sleeping clothes and Gretchen looks as if she can't stop an excited little smile from crawling over her lips. Claire smiles, calm on the outside but oddly nervous within. She gazes seriously up into the taller girl's face and says, "Just don't freak out on me."

"I've cut your hand with scissors before and watched it heal," Gretchen points out. "I don't think that there's anything you can show me now that will freak me out."

Claire thinks about her danger-filled past, filled with explosions and