The Deal (4 parts)

Story by DragonianDeity

Part 1 of a 4 part story. What wouldyou give up for ultimate pleasure? Would you sacrifice your friends if it meant never losing the feeling of orgasms? A trio of girls will face those questions and the results of their decisions

The Deal (Part 1)

Angela, Christina, and Maria were the best of friends ever since they could remember. They did everything together; played, slept, hit puberty, dated boys (not the same one, most of the time), and even once sex. Angela was a little older than the other two so she acted like the other two’s mother, keeping them from fighting with each other and passing on sage-like advice. She was the tallest of the trio standing just under six feet tall and always wore her blonde hair in a little braid over her shoulder.

Christina, the fiery one of the group was the middle aged one, being just a week older than Maria. Her hair matched her personality and height; fiery red and short, being almost an entire foot shorter than Angela. She was the tomboy of the group and the most promiscuous, often complaining about her new weekly boyfriend to the other two.

Maria was shy and laid-back, but very devoted to her friends. She stood 3 inches taller than Christina, hid her soft eyes behind a pair of glasses, and let her blue hair flow freely down to her hips. She surprised herself when she approached Angela, confessing her love for her, which Angela happily responded to. Maria hasn’t even looked at another boy since.

It was a Friday night and a wild storm was blowing outside, it was the perfect weather for some dabbing in black magic. Of course none of the girls believed in black magic but they had fun nonetheless. Angela and Maria got together and tried to trick Christina in believing that Maria was floating in the air, and Christina got in to the acts as well, but they were just illusions. After a while Christina suggested they get out the Ouija board and try calling up spirits.

At first they were just fooling around and one or the other would be guiding the arrow and they all had a good laugh. But when they started trying demon passages they found on the internet, things started happening. At first the electricity went out, but it went out all over town so they didn’t think anything of it and lit some candles, enhancing the scare factor they laughed.

Then the windows blew out and extinguished every candle but one they shut and bolted them and sat back down with some nervous laughs between them. Finally when it was Angela’s turn to do chant she chose the phrase to summon a succubus and closed her eyes as she uttered the phrase.

When she ope