Terraverse, a companion reader to Terra

Story by srb

Terraverse, a companion to Terra

Author’s note, when I say the Terraverse, I mean to discuss the future universe which I have created that includes the events of Terra, Club Vanilla, Jamie and Phillip, Rose’s Baby, and Casey at Bat, among other future stories.

It’s been two years in the making and while this is an odd thing to write I wanted to create something special for the second anniversary of my story Terra. Today is the day I first posted the story at F3, plus an additional day thanks to the leap year. At first I had hoped to get a chapter done in time but unfortunately that was simply unrealistic due to time constraints and real life issues. I’m writing the next chapter but I would rather create something like this, a companion to the story, rather than rush a half baked chapter.

I still nevertheless wanted to create something that might help interest people and celebrate the second anniversary with more than a simple message saying “Two years, congrats”.

So I then thought to create a sort of behind the scenes look, and discuss some of the things about the characters, the major plot points, and some of the technology, and get into the places that I want to go within the next year, without spoiling too much. A companion reader to the story, and something that I hope will spur the interests of the readers, both new and old.


The first thing I want to do is issue an honest and heartfelt thanks to anyone who has taken the time in their life, quite a long chunk of time all things considered, to read any of my stories. I’ve enjoyed writing it, and I’d like to hope that you’ve all enjoyed reading it. In a way these characters were all written from a piece of me, with emotions and reasoning that makes sense to me, and that maybe makes enough sense to you.

Beyond the small niceties of having someone read your story and lay on a couple of kind words, it’s somewhat validating to have someone look at something that you came up with and tell you that you that they think it’s good, that they like it and empathize with the characters and with the story that you come up with…it means something. And I want to make sure to take the time and effort to show my appreciation and thanks for it.


I had come up with the idea of writing this story some time before I wrote it, but I was hesitant to post it. there’s something about coming up with a story that makes you pause to wonder if it’s worthwhile. While I have written many fanfics over the years, they were, well, fanfics. To be honest, I kind of felt that fan fiction was supposed to be a bit of bad, at least. Not all of it had to be terrible, but the expectations were just, well, much, much lower.

It was only after I wrote the first three chapters of the story in a single day that I had decided upon posting it. I had gotten the day off of work, and a friend of mine had given me