
Story by Sakura-chan

Here's a new story i've been working on

enjoy :)


My name is Cissnei... and I can’t remember anything about my past. The only thing I do know is, I’m a hermaphrodite. This is my story...

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around. ‘Why is my head aching?’ I asked myself, as I slowly sat up. ‘Whoa!’ someone said, ‘Lay back down! You’re in no condition to move right now!’

‘Where am I?’ I asked softly.

‘A field hospital!’ the man replied, ‘Someone dropped you off a few days ago...’ He paused for a moment, looking closely at my head. ‘What’s your name?’ he asked.

‘My name is...’ I said, pausing. ‘I don’t know! I... I can’t remember!’ I reached up to feel my head. ‘I can’t remember anything!’ I whispered.

‘That isn’t surprising!’ he said, sitting next to me. ‘With the injury you received memory loss is expected!’ he said, ‘But I am surprised at the fact you’ve lost all your memory!’ He reached up to my head, checking the bandages.

‘Did the person who brought me in tell you what my name was?’ I asked. The doctor shook his head.

‘Unfortunately not!’ he said, ‘For now we’ll call you Jane!’

‘I don’t think I’m really a Jane doctor!’ I said, smiling slightly.

‘How about Claire? Jill? Sally?’ he asked, smiling as he spouted off a list of names.

‘Cissnei!’ I whispered. ‘Why Cissnei?’ he asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

‘It feels like it’s my name!’ I replied, ‘besides... it’s better then Jane!’

‘Ok... Cissnei!’ he said, picking up a clip board and writing my new name down. ‘I take it Doe doesn’t feel like a good last name to you?’ I giggled softly and slowly sat up. ‘Didn’t I tell you to lay back?’ he asked, as I moved into a sitting position.

‘Yes you did!’ I replied, ‘But I’m going to be sitting up for now!’ He raised an eye brow and went back to the clip board.

‘So... have you thought about your last name?’ he asked.

‘Yes...’ I replied, ‘Jackson! Cissnei Jackson!’

‘Ok... Cissnei Jackson it is!’ he said, writing it down. I smiled slightly, but I had a nagging fee