Linda, an Afterthought

Story by Bishiebunny

This particular story might not be the best fap material you have ever come across. There is certainly some naughtiness about and if you find something worth your while, by all means, go nuts. Still, the focus is on a scenario many of us are very familiar with. Only, instead of dealing with the build-up, climaxing into a grand orgy of happy-fun-times, this is more about what comes later.

Think of this as the futanari equivalent to "the morning after," an incredibly-hung-hang-over, if you will.

Let us consider a young woman named Linda, and that extra bit of anatomy which has come to dominate her life. Is she happy? Or is she merely an....

Linda, An Afterthought

by Bishiebunny

There is a philosophy, held most prominently by hammers. It states that the highest nail gets pounded hardest. Unlike squeaky wheels and the grease that loves them, this has nothing to do with the order in which problems are solved. Instead, it points out how those that tower, high and proud, will inevitably find themselves the target of the low and blunt. Zeus hates nothing more than a presumptuous cypress. It is less hubris and more practicality; nobody ever challenges the second fastest gun in the west. Some nails, merely by nature of their superior length and bite into the wood, can not help but attract more hammers blows than they could possibly handle.

Such a nail was Linda; more accurately, such a nail was Linda's cock.

Then again, maybe it was the hammer, and it was the world that had become nothing so much as an endless collection of worrisome nails. A boy could not wish for a larger, more talented tool. Perhaps that is the reason that this particular cock was bestowed upon a young woman. Over the years, the soon-to-be-worst-kept-secret-in-town had inspired fear, envy and finally lust, and almost always in that exact order. Linda's schoolmates, with eyes bigger than their wombs, would seek it out as sort of a test run. Young men would challenge its very existence, always to end up on their knees in varying degrees of surprise and submission. Adults had long since given up on trying to rein in the beast and its effects on the sleepy suburban town.

Husbands could not help but clutch their wives possessively, while wives clutched at... other things.

At first, it had been great fun, weaving a spell of seduction about the town with a wiggle of a wand that not even a half-giant could possibly wield. Eventually, however, the weight of responsibility had robbed both swish and flick of all of their eldritch charm. The high that came from such constant attention dwindled as the she began to understand just where all of that attention was focused. Her new "friends" had eyes for just the one bit of her anatomy, which was a shame, given that other bits of her had filled out of late. How sad that she would have been almost as thrilled to see someone stare at her chest, as she might have been if they would