Juste a story Idea like this

Story by Liriel

like I said,it just a Idea that hit my mind a few hour ago.I would like some comment on ti as it seem interesting^^

We are in the world of Odarion,a place very much like earth.At the start of history,only one race was living on it:the Elf.Almost immortal beign,they populate the planet,little by little and,as ther population grow,so do ther technology.Little by little,they master the powder,the steel and the magic that was running like blood in the planet.But,The fact they live so long and ther technology becoming so advence,that war start appear all over the planet as the place to live start missing,most of the place was covered by city all connected to each other.Wyld life start becomming rare as they chop the tree and polute the land or devasteted by war,only monstruocity,more ofthen then not created for war,still roam the lands.Then,one day,as the ground of the planet become too polluted for the elven,they make flying machine and go out into the sky,living in huge flying city,leaving the one on the ground in ruin.Many century later,Another race rise;the human.At first,they was living in the ruin of the elf city,but,little by little,They start gathering in clan as nature slowly start covering the atrocity the elf did.However,thing start going bad when the Elf,now very few in nomber compare to the human,start using the human,telling they were god.Using ther inflance,they start making a cruel game they call "Ureala Cheste"wich mean "The battle of the brute".Each elven lord,8 in total,Take control of one of the main human clan and start making putting them again each other in bloody,barbaric war.Unknow to both race,there was a third one,inside the planet.Whan the Elf was still on the ground,they make huge sewer so all ther waste end up there,including experimantal magic item and liquid.Under ther nose,becose of those experimental Liquid,the rat have mutated and slowly become more inteligent until they reach human level,as well as ther stature.Ever curius creature,they scavange what they can,and event start learning how to use them,as well as developing ther own technology.Unwilling to go outside,they stay underground "where the light of danger cant reach us!"like they ofthen say.Strangely enoft,they also manage to capture and domesticate some creature the eleven use for ther war that end up and breed in the sewer.End that is how Oberion is in present time.

So,what do you all think?I wasnt sure if I should say they are all futa,but,that might come as my Idea get more together^^