Lamest Halloween story ever...

Story by Elimination Idol

Well, its a bit late. But I'm a lazy bastard.

**AHEM** The following story contains:




public urination,

fellatio performed on futa,

hateful, derogatory language,

bad writing,

and general stupidity.

If at any point, you find this story clever, stop reading immediately, and call a doctor to set an appointment for a MRI.

Still Interested? Well, you've been warned.

Mallory set a down large bag of dry dog food in the trunk of her car. Then, she placed a bag full of toys and treats beside the food, before closing the trunk. She leads Elizabeth, her pet Labrador, to the passenger side, and opens the door. Izzy leaps up onto the seat, as she usually does. Mal brushes a strand of her own brown hair aside before reaching to unclasp Izzy’s leash.

Unbeknownst to Mal, a black cat has caught Izzy’s attention. The second Izzy is free, she leaps passed a surprised Mal to give chase. Mal runs after her, calling “Izzy, come here!” But it’s not long before Izzy’s barks are the only trail Mal has to follow. Mal is no longer sure where she is. But she doesn’t have time to contemplate how a chase that began in the parking lot of a big box specialty pet store ended up in the middle of a dark, wooded, shrub-thick suburb. She can still hear Izzy.

Finally, Mal catches up to Izzy, barking up a tree. She grabs Izzy’s collar, and is about to scold her. “So,” she hears from behind, “it’s YOUR mutt that chased my Kaila.” Mal barely has time to turn to see a blonde girl in a witch costume sneer at her. “I’ll teach you to let such an aggressive beast run amuck!”

Mal doesn’t have time to get a word in edge-wise before she hears Izzy yelp in pain. She looks down to see Izzy looks discolored, and bloated. “I curse your precious pooch to become the most annoying species on Earth.” Before Mal can comprehend what is going on, a raven-haired naked girl about Mal’s age is kneeling before her. She is wearing Izzy’s collar like a choker.

Mal looks around, but the real (apparently) witch is gone. Mal looks back down at the girl, in stunned disbelief. “Izzy?”

The girl looks up, “Yes, master?” Mal couldn’t believe it. Izzy has been turned into a human. In other news, the sky is really far up.

Mal has no idea what to do. Izzy complains “Why does everything look and smell so weird? I can hardly hear anything. I’m scared, master.” Mal doesn’t even have the rational capacity to wonder how Izzy learned English all of a sudden, or why the collar isn’t choking her. So, Mal quickly agrees when Izzy whines, “I wanna go home.”

Mal helps Izzy to stand upright, and they start walking. Mal’s mind is divided between trying to remember which way they came from, and trying to find something to cover Izzy’s new body.

Mal spots a large cloaked figure on someone’s lawn. It