Mercy's Quest

Story by cuteycindyhoney

Mercy, a female warrior of great courage and skill sets out on a quest to save the king’s only son from the evil witch of the woods. Things look bleak when she is captured, and discovers that the prince is now a princess! Just when she thought it could get no worse, the witch alters Mercy’s body! Can Mercy control her own lust until she can free them, or will she succumb to the urge to use her new manhood on the comely princess?

Mercy’s Quest

By Honey Moon

Torch in hand, Mercy made her way silently through the

damp moonlit wood. Her nose twitched as she passed yet another

moldering corpse. “He should have ducked.” She whispered as she

toed the still occupied helmet aside. The steel incased head clanked

softly against its former body. Four limbs lay several paces in four

differing directions. This was the sixth armored body she had

passed. The king had sent his six most trusted knights in a bold

attempt to rescue his only offspring, Prince Alexis. As Mercy had

suspected, the plan had failed.

The leather-clad woman’s full bosom rose in pride. Armor

was fine if you wanted to show off your youthful manly strength

while parading through a village, but she would choose speed any

day! Simple but wicked mechanical and magical traps had ended

the lives of the king’s champions. At a full forty seasons her eyes

were still keen and her body still agile enough to win the day. Of

course the stench of the dead near each trap had helped too.

There was a soft rustle in the trees ahead. Without thinking,

Mercy threw herself to the ground. A blast of flame roared over

her prone body. It felt as if she stood too near a smith’s forge.

Three seconds! Three seconds before the beast could draw another

breath and exhale burning death over her. Three seconds was all

she needed!

Mercy leapt to her feet and charged the dragon as it entered

the clearing. It was unknown where these creatures had come from.

Some say they were a folly of the olden times, when man had

dared to tamper with the very essence of life itself. Others say they

were sent from the pits of hell itself to punish the wicked. Either

way, Mercy didn’t care. She just knew it was the beast’s life or her

own! The dim light of the fallen torch flashed on burnished steel as

she drew her sword. The Hell beast opened its maw to discharge

another blast. The warrior had only one chance. She screamed in

wordless rage as she thrust! Her steel plunged deep into that

hideous maw! Mercy felt the solid jar and crunch as the blade

continued through the back of its throat and severed the beast’s

spine. Yanking it free, she danced aside as the dragon convulsed in

death. Flame erupted as the foul creature twisted and writhed much

as a headless chicken running across a farmyard. No chicken was

as dangerous as this! Burning death rained everywhere as the
