
Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Faith

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis


NOTE: I'm a bit sleep-deprived right now and this is a random idea I had about fifteen minutes ago that I'm just throwing onto virtual paper. I'm sure nothing could possibly go wrong with this.

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The first thing people always noticed about Faith were her eyes. They were red; a fiery, intense ruby kind of red. Almost everybody who saw her assumed she must be wearing coloured contact lenses and tried to put the sight of them out of their mind. Those who dared to look closer would notice that her red irises weren't even the strangest thing about her eyes. Her pupils were: they were a pair of thin, dark slits one would expect to see on a cat, or possibly a tiger.

The look of the rest of her body was more or less optional, but Faith usually defaulted to a tall, athletic build with short, unkempt black hair. Often, her hair would have a few purple streaks in it. It would have surprised those who knew her that these bits of purple were there because she carefully and skilfully dyed her hair and not because she simply wished them there.

The reason for her peculiar eyes and unconventional body was simple: she wasn't human. Her mother was, as far as she knew, but her father definitely wasn't. Faith didn't know who her father was, but her mother had told her once that he was an unspeakable abomination conjured forth from the darkest abyss for a long, debauched night of depravity and sin. And nine months after that, she had been blessed with a beautiful little baby girl. Faith believed her. Partly because it sounded about right, but mostly because she didn't really care. She had other things to worry about. Like next week's Chemistry test.

Muttering elements of the Periodic Table to herself, Faith found herself walking down an empty hallway after too long a day at school. She stopped abruptly in her tracks when she heard a sound. It was a kind of sigh and was so quiet normal people wouldn't have heard it. It had come from a classroom that should have been empty at this time of day, but apparently wasn't. Faith knew what to do. She just had to keep walking. She had to go home where homework would unfortunately be waiting for her. She really could not afford to be distracted right now.

Knowing all this, Faith walked into the classroom.

What she found there surprised her. There were two girls standing near the windows. One, a short blonde, she didn't recognise. The other was a rather taller redhead with an incredibly freckled face she was pretty sure was called Erika. Or possibly Erin.

The two girls were kissing, which wasn't what had surprised her. The surprising thing was that their kiss was... very careful and a little uncertain. It looked like they weren't used to kissing girls, or even just kissing period. It was kind of sweet, actually, and it made Faith feel like an intruder. She quietly turned around and was about to leave when a voice called out to her.

"Who are you?"

Faith paused and t