For a good laugh out of this.

Story by someone777

I forget where I found it. But here you go. it's good for a few laughs.


Ninja sex clans

The rules are easy to follow. There is a Headmaster and is wife the mistress. They both run the block of the clans. The ruling party has always been the Kindo Clan. There blood has mastered the form of body manipulation, or in other words shape shifting. A few of the other clans can also Shape shift. The Micko clan can change there gender at will. The men in there clan as mostly have sex with woman in both straight and Lesbian sex. The Kindo arch enemies the Sicklo Clan that renamed themselves to just piss off the main clan families, can only grow or take away a penis. Their main problem is the fact that they where given a curse by the Kindo clan. They can only give birth to women. They stole the secret of sex organ manipulation, just so they could reproduce with themselves and others. Many of the clans are inbreed. But mixing dose happen. Both inside the clans and outside. The headmaster is chosen through blood to rule the clans and to keep with many sex acts. He is given the main wife who also rules and both of them are given many female sex partner. Both the Headmaster and his wife the mistress can only marry females outside their own marriage. Yes, the mistress can only Marry other women besides her only male partner. He is the only male she must have for the rest of his life. And if he dies, She is to never be with any man ever again. Even if she rules the clans until the next Headmaster is ready to take over with his new wife.

But there's a problem. The Headmaster was assassinated. Leaving his wife with all his past lovers to make love to her. An she must now find a replacement wife to take his set and force to take all his lovers as she rules the clan until the next Headmaster. But the problems don't stop there. Her sister-in-law broke the rules and married a man in the US, and even that she was supposed to give birth to a boy, because the rulers go from ruler to his nephew and so on. Meaning the rulers bother or sister give birth to the next ruler. Her in-law-sister before her husband died and she went messing. She gave birth to a girl. But the rules are clear. She must become the next [/SIZE