Love Bites

Story by Theromen

Love Bites

The leaves of all of the hearty oak, maple and spruce trees on the well-manicured grounds of the Miskatonic University campus had begun the metamorphoses into their autumnal colors. The change of the seasons was coming to the sleepy little town of Arkham that was nestled in a convenient crook of the Miskatonic River. The most freshly fallen foliage dotted the green lawns and had begun to pile up near the curbs and gutters along College street in front of the Pickman Dormitory. The cool wind, that hinted of the weather yet to come, created little dust devils making some of the leaves whirl about fitfully, skittering down the walkways and against the buildings.

One of the tiny cyclones of leaves ended up whirling about the small feet of a lovely blonde girl whose curvaceous shape was made a bit obscure by the large sweater she wore. She stood waiting at the foot of the steps of the dormitory her expression one of concern as she looked at her watch. Just as her face became the visage of exasperation and she was turning to leave she heard the call of another young woman from the building where she loitered. The pale, dark haired girl practically bounced down the steps in her rush to catch up to the blonde who had already began walking, her gait purposefully quick.

“Dammit, Jess slow down!” The brunette complained as she caught up to the briskly moving blonde.

“Why are you always late?” The girl called Jess practically scolded. “We’ll be late for Ashley’s lecture, and you know we both need this class!”

The dark haired girl looked ruefully at Jess and then smirked. “Yes, mom.”

Jess let out a small giggle but made herself serious almost as quickly. “C’mon Mel you know I wanted to get all of this.”

“Oh, yea. The thing about your family right?” The top-heavy brunette inquired almost impishly.

“Yea…look I don’t expect you to understand Mel, but it’s important to me.” Jess returned still serious.

“Alright already.” Mel conceded. “But you’ll let me make it up to you tonight right?”

“Aww, Mel. I don’t know.” There was a reticence in the blonde girls tone. “I can’t go clubbing and party all night like you and then drag myself all over campus the next day…I can’t…”

“Okay, okay!” Mel injected. “What if we could just be alone then, hmm?”

Mel wrapped her free arm about Jess in a suggestive way as they walked. The blonde girls face turned a shade of red at her friend’s more than friendly suggestion. Despite the apparent discomfort Jess didn’t attempt to pull away from Mel’s embrace. In stead they walked the rest of the way to the lecture as they were, drawing the occasional