The Bunny Chronicles

Story by Evil Empire

Warning: Futa on loli-looking faerie princess

Chapter One: Business Before Pleasure

Bunny Barnstormer walked up the rampway into the cargo hold of her ship, the Star of Aquarius, where she found the ship's only other crewmember strapping down crates with the thick straps that were bolted to both the floor and walls of the cargo hold.

"Alice, how many times do I need to tell you to be careful?" Bunny asked the diminutive blonde as the blonde in question flitted about the hold, securing large hefty crates. "If someone besides me sees you flying around there's going to be a lot of difficult to answer questions."

Alice just shrugged as she flew from one crate to the next. "Sorry but it's easier this way. It takes a lot longer when I have to plod around like you humans. Besides, what's the point of having abilities if you never use them? It's bad enough you won't let me just magic everything done but you also want me to clamber over all these stacks of crates. Have you checked out how short I am recently?"

"I think you're just the perfect height," Bunny replied.

"Oh, har har har," Alice said, rolling her eyes. "The perfect height for a cock in my mouth and a beer on my head. If only the top of my head were flatter. Shit, that was funny the first ten thousand times I heard it, now it's getting old. Anyway, you're such an old grandma, worrying all the time. No one is going to see me do my Peter Pan routine so don't get your panties in a twist over it. Or your thong, you pervert. Besides, if it bothers you so much then why don't you help me instead of just watching me do all the work, you lazy shit."

Bunny lifted an index finger. "Actually I'm commando today. Free balling as they say. Besides which you're in no position to comment about what I wear seeing as how your ass is hanging out of those slut shorts and those little bumps you call tits are barely covered by moth eaten t-shirt you insist on keeping. As to your other query; the idea that you do all the work around here is quite laughable although you may notice that I'm not laughing, you little cumguzzler."

Alice raised her pint-sized fist at the brunette and extended a cute little middle finger. "Go stick a plunger handle up your ass. You're in no position to talk about my sexual proclivities. At least I don't have a big ass weird cock dangling between my legs."

"And balls," Bunny said. "Don't forget my precious sperm factories. It's not like, I dunno, this whole damn mess is thanks to your mother after all!"

The little child-like blonde shrugged. "Hey, you pissed her off and she turned you into big cocked freak of nature. Thank your lucky stars, not very many people get to piss off the Faerie Queen and live to talk about it."

"Lucky me," Bunny grumbled.

"Damn straight," Alice replied. "You get to walk around in your little school girl uniform with your naughty parts swinging in the wind for everyone to see.

"Yes, it was quite breezy on my nether bits. Lots of vent