Story idea?

Story by frozonese

hey, so i was watching the show "Heroes" recently and an idea hit me, for those who dont know, basically theres a girl in the show who has a super regeneration ability and can't die. And recently in the story line (because the writers of the show seem to want to prove that they can do whatever the fuck they want) they gave her a lesbian sub-plot, so i figured Regeneration ability + not appearing till she was older (17-18 by now) = possible regeneration of parts previousley removed, such as liver, oooor: penis? i thought of it this way: when she was born she was born as a hermaphrodite, but the parents decided to raise her as a full girl and had it removed (there is a history of cases like these, ciara anyone?) but when her regeneration ability started coming out, the old penis grew back, and its fully functional and doesnt cause complications because she's basically in perfect health so both of her parts would be able to work. i might write it myself, but i have a pretty busy schedule and might not have the time, but i just wanted to throw the idea out there because it seems like something that could go far, or be used for a quickie :D