Changeling:the lost (horror story)

Story by Liriel

hello,this is the prologue of a horror-adventure story I make.I hope you all like it.there can also be love and such,but,most of all,I try to play on the horror that is supose to be present in a normal world of darkness comment please.


It one of those night when you prefer to stay indoors in Montreal: rainy, dark and dangerous. Cornelia was one of the Lost, a changeling. She was waiting patiently for her teammate to come as she looks at the star, her thought running in the corridor of her memory.

She was a simple teenager when she was taking, beautiful, full of dream she was…..until this day. While she was sleeping at her home, SHE came, one of the true fairies. The first thing she saw when she wakes up was the face of this…monster. A giant little girl whit a grim like the devil , her sweet pink dress all scratch up and covered whit blood and eyes mix whit innocent and cruelty. The next thing was far worse: she was in a huge room, whit a bed, a work bench and, all over the place, covered the floor, the wall, side by side or pile one on the other….there was doll….doll of all kind….but each one of them was alive ,other people like her ,transformed by the giant little girl hand into doll….

She could do a thing when she pick her up, push her on the workbench and start her butcher work. Keeping her alive by some sort of magic, she let her scream her lung out while she work, replacing each and every part of her body, slowly, painfully, whit wood , metal porcelain and the like. All her body was change into a doll….then, the nightmare start.

She couldn’t move at all when her Keeper take her up and put her right in front of the mirror that was beside her workbench *look how pretty you are!* she say whit a cheerful voice. It whit horror that she discover her new body: her leg and arm was made of old, moist wood, her torso was now piece of Iron whit spiky end, barely looking like a woman one. Her arm and torso was connected together whit some sort screw and, the worst by far, was her face: totally made in porcelain, her hair was now brown replace by some sort of rat fur and, what scare her the most, was her eye….she leave them there, leaving her to see the horror of this place.

After that, she was put in her collection of doll for….month...year? She couldn’t say, her memory of that time was so blurry she can’t remember. She does remember 2 things. One was, after was seem an eternity, she feels her body change: the screw, wood and Iron that made her new body slowly merge, she feel a new sort of blood flowing in the cavity in her body, melted iron meaby? She doesn’t know. All she do know is that, for the first time, she could finally move, her red painted lips could move and she almost cry of joy…until….one of the other doll, a sort of Harlequin, suddenly jump on her feet and run for it. The only exit was the giant door to the side of the room, whit, and unknown to their keeper; there was a little crack