Rainy Days

Story by Fire Fly

Oh boy... It's been a VERY long time since I've submitted any sort of story. I haven't completely written anything in years, so I'm afraid that I've gotten rusty. For the past few months, I've been trying to rectify that. I've been getting help from my friends (Bishie, WotanAnubis, and Randomguy). They always have good advice for me, and I love them for it. Now I want some feedback from readers. So without further ado, I present a possibly new series called Rainy Days. This is just a snippet from the first chapter, and it has yet to be edited. Keep that in mind if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes. This work does contain futa/futa loli twincest, so if you don't like that, leave.

The school bus came to a screeching halt. Its doors swung open, and multiple pairs of rain boots filed out of the bus. Puddles splished and splashed against yellow raincoats and clear rain ponchos. Two pairs of small white sneakers were the last to exit the bus. The moment they hit the ground, the shoes were immediately soaked all the way through with rain water, but the owners didn’t seem to mind. In fact, one pair jumped in the puddle once more with glee before quickly taking off to catch up with the other pair that was trying frantically to escape the rain, the sound of giggling and splashing accompanying them all the way home.

The front door opened, and two very wet and very cold girls burst through the front doors, smiles on their faces despite being soaked to the bone. The mirror images simply laughed at each other, seeing how utterly ridiculous they looked drenched like that. The two kicked off their soaked shoes at the front door, letting them join their moist backpacks.

“Mom?” one of them called, walking towards the kitchen. “Dad? Anyone home?” The home was silent and still except for the gentle pitter patter of rain against their window pane. There was no response to her call.

The second one joined the first in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around her mirror image’s waist and placing her chin atop her right shoulder. To anyone looking at them, they would appear to be a two headed freak. A very cute two headed freak... The two prepubescent girls hugged their wet bodies close to each other, drinking in each other’s presence. The twins seemed to have a very abnormal connection with one another.

“It would seem that no one is home...” the one hugging whispered, rubbing her cheek against her sister’s. A weak blush began to surface on the other’s face, barely noticeable on her deep mocha skin. She knew exactly what her sister had in mind. She couldn’t deny that she wanted to do it to, but it just felt so wrong... “But it feels so right. Doesn’t it, Shaiya?” There was a playful smirk upon her lips that meant that she wanted to do more than just play a few games with her sister.

Shaiya shivered slightly, not because of the cold but because of the fear of her own potential arousa