
Story by Sakura-chan

heres a story i intended to be just a one shot... but now i have a second chapter in mind



On the outside, you wouldn’t think I was anything else but a normal girl. A bit geeky but otherwise normal. What you don’t know is something I keep a secret. Not because I want to, but because I have to. I’m a hermaphrodite!

There I said it.

Now I feel like I’ve just been to an AA meeting or something. I was born this way and for the first 12 years of my life I was raised as a boy, albeit a bit feminine but a boy none the less. That was until puberty struck and my breasts grew.

My parents, terrified that I’d be bullied or worse, chose to move over 300 miles away from where I’d grown up. That was 6 years ago. I’ll be starting college in a couple of days with someone who became my best friend. And I had no idea that it would bring the most changes in my young life!


I yawned as I slowly sat up and opened my eyes. ‘Not again!’ I whispered, as a bulge stared back at me. ‘Every damn morning you do this to me!’ I muttered to it, ‘Isn’t it enough that I play with you 3 times before I go to sleep?’

‘Sam?’ a voice said from behind my bedroom door. ‘Yes mother?’

‘Get your lazy ass out of bed and get dressed!’ she replied, ‘You don’t want to be late on your first day of college!’

‘Oh and we wouldn’t want that now would we?’ I asked softly, just soft enough so I hope she couldn’t hear me. ‘No we wouldn’t! Now get out of bed!’ mum said. I sighed softly and slowly stood up, my quilt falling from my body. I sighed softly when I felt my cock slap against my stomach.

‘Maybe a cold shower will help!’ I thought, as I slowly made my way to the bathroom. I was so glad that my mum had gone back downstairs after she’d woken me up. I waited until the water had warmed up before standing under the shower head. Closing my eyes I let the water cascade over my body, washing away last nights sweat and cum. ‘Why did I have to be born like this?’ I asked myself, not for the first time.

Every time a cute girl walked passed I had to hurry to the nearest toilet until my erection died down. I sighed softly. My cock also hampered my ability to show how much I really cared for Heather. ‘Heather...’ I whispered, feeling my cock twitch. ‘It isn’t fair!’ I muttered, as I got some shampoo in 1 hand. ‘It just isn’t fair!’ I stood under the shower head again, letting the water clean the shampoo out of my hair.