Amber and David Jack Off

Story by green52

I felt like writing another story to go with the first two. This one is the fourth with the same story, however it follows in line with the first two.

The others:

Part 1

Part 2

Another story with the same main character

Amber had been seeing David for about two weeks. After their second date's satisfying conclusion, they had found that the ice was suitably cracked. They had been having fun, however Amber would could tell that some discomfort, some residual awkwardness persisted. This was fine. The freshness of it all delighted her. She was also surprised by her willingness to put sex off a bit. When she had broached the subject, David had casually explained that he had only had one girlfriend prior to her. They had started dating when they were fifteen and had not slept together until for the first year. He was comfortable being patient until she felt the time was right, he had explained. Amber liked being in control of when they first fucked. She also liked Davids secondary explanation.

“And besides, we've got a whole lot I'd like to try out before we move on to full on fucking.” Amber delighted at the way he put it.

That night, they had agreed to do dinner and a movie. After they finished their Mediterranean food, they went back to David's house to watch “Hot Loads II: Cindy Springtime”. Amber had a strong suspicion that David was nearly as fixated on semen as she was. And Amber was very fixated on semen.

She wondered how much of it was her doing. He had seemed like the type until she had seen his reaction after the first time he swallowed her load. Then again, he would not have ever asked her out if he didn't have some interest in her cock. Either way it was clear that their mutual enjoyment of eating cum was one of their many similar interests.

“Do you have the DVD?” Amber asked as David came down the stairs. David lived in the basement, which while someone less refined had already proven its practicality. It was well removed from his parents on the second floor and it was nearly soundproof.

“Its actually on my computer.” While he opened the file, she laid a towel across his futon couch and sat down. Once he had turned on the film he sat down next to her across from the television, but with his eyes on her. She stood up and pulled the light cotton dress she wore over her shoulders and dropped it carelessly on the floor. Her bra and panties were matching magenta. When relaxed, it was easy to overlook her unique feature. Her panties looked fairly normal, especially in dark colors viewed in low light. Eve