Girl Pox (non-futa, gender switch)

Story by Hardcover

Okay, now, I love gender switch stories, and I've written the element into a lot of my stuff. Ever since the classic Ranma 1/2 I've enjoyed that element, and one of my current favorite mangas is Hiroyuki Tamakoshi's Gacha Gacha: The Next Revolution. This is a hopefully fun little story on that subject, influenced a lot by Shimamoto Harumi - Change which is a fun little hentai.

About the rather familiar character who appears in this one . . . he asked me for everything I did to him here, so I hope he enjoys (I have no idea what he looks like, so the description was based on some of his avatars. Downloadable files included, please comment or hit the thank button if you like this story.

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By Hardcover

My name is Hisoka Saski, I’m eighteen years old, and I was already having a bad week when everything went topsy turvey for me. Up until this point, however, I had been a rather standard, unremarkable Japanese boy, going to school in Tokyo like just about a million others. I didn’t even look that much different from anyone else: I was a short, lanky guy, not a whole lotta muscle on me, with thick hair down over my ears that I had colored a brownish red color, again, just like a lot of guys my age. I was into a bit of sports and got acceptable marks without being too exceptional, and all in all, I was just one of the crowd, trying to make his way through his teenage years in modern Japan.

I lived with dad Kenta-san and my mom Miharu-sama my as well as my older sister Misako-chan, who was everything I wasn’t: Smart, charismatic, popular and well liked. Unlike me, she was instantly memorable. Apparently, Misako had come from the cool side of the uterus. We didn’t really have a lot of money, and mom and dad worked hard to provide us with what they could, but we’d never be mistaken for rich.

The only thing that set me apart was that I was a bit of an otaku and sci fi geek, and hung out with a group of like minded friends. My sister didn’t care for my friends that much, always insisting that they’d “turned me to the dork side” as she liked to say. But they were my friends so she tolerated them.

This particular week, as I’ve said, had not been a good one for me: To begin with, I had been dumped by my girlfriend Noriko-chan at the beginning. She not only broke up with me in a crowded school hallway; but further drove the knife in my back by announcing that she was leaving me for another girl. A real blow to my ego if ever there was one; but there was really nothing else to do but let her go off to start her