The day the Dead Got horny

Story by Zol

Well, this is my first ever story ie done. Its not done yet but i figured i would put it up to see how people like it so far and to here and critisim. This first part doesnt hae any sex, its just the beggining

It will Contian Futa/female. Futa/male, Futa/futa, transformation, Rape, Zombie futa, vampire futa, Ghost, Lich Futa, Tenticals, possibly succubi, excessie cum, enslavement and what ever else i can think of.

THe Day the dead got horny

High in the mountains in a distant land was a cluster of villages. Because the terrain was to unforgiving, none of the nearby countries wished to take claim of the mountains, but instead left the mountains to those who risked there lives to live there. At first, people who settled these mountians where loners or criminals hiding from the law but as the years went on and wars broke out, peasants fled the dangers of people to try to endure the dangers of the wild. After Generations, the offsprings of those people had finaly formed a steady, safe life in the mountains. The villagers only lived in the lower areas of the mountains, where the ground was fertile and fewer dangerous animals. But that was not the reason they did not travel higher into the mountains, as rumor had it a hundread years ago when the crimanals where forced out of the lower half to the upper, they had found some anciant ruins and went inside. Only one of them ever came back and he died just entering the village. And now, a hundred years later, the innocent villagers will soon learn the fate of those pour souls.......

As the sun rises on another, normal morning in the village of Adula, and where the Roster would normaly crow, ontop of one of the houses, sat crows and ravens, sitting on every roof top. When the sunlight finaly rises over the mountains and washes the village with its light, they all cry out and flap into the air, waking all the villagers. One of these was the Daughter of the town mayor Anya.

As She stired in her bed from the sound of the crows, wearing nothing but her skin, she streched out as much as she could and rubbed her eyes groaning from the early wake up. Her long brown hair laid beneath her, which was long enough to reach her hips when ever she dint have it tied up in a braid. After a little bit more just laying in bed wishing to fall back to sleep, she started to hear villager voices outside her fathers home, panicked voices. She wondered to herself if the sheperds where complaining about another wolf attack or something stupid of the likes, and gets up out of her bed and goes to get dressed.

She walks over to her dresser and pulls out some silk undergarments, where normaly silk was a rare fabric in most of the world, one of the nearby by villages had there own little silk farm, which made her very happy as she dint know what she would do in plain ichy cloth. Once thats on, she grabs a blue skirt that goes down to just below her knees and cursess a bit about using all the money he