The Prince of Tuituon - Revised BEAddventure Version

Story by TechnoMonkey

A while back I posted an in progress story that I had written titled "The Price of Tuition".

After just a short while writing on it largely stalled and after other IRL matters intervened I stopped writing it all together.

A couple months back I contacted SRB about a possible revamp and reissue of the sections of the story that I had originally written, and after some back and forth over email, we had revised to some degree the original story, expanding, clarifying, and editing it into a more cohesive and overall satisfying read.

Sadly, once again, IRL matters stalled the situation and the progress on the story once again stalled. During this time, in what little free internet time I did manage to snag I discovered the ADDventure.

Essentially it's a massive "Chose your own Adventure" story, but with erotic fiction being the basis instead of horror or scifi. After consuming QUITE a degree of this ever expanding achive I believe that I have finally found a solution to my writing problems.

I have segmented up, the new revised version of "The Price of Tuition" and posted it up into the Addventure as an openly expandable piece of public fiction. I invite all of your to read it, expand it, and comment on it here. I have signed almost all the parts that I wrote as part of the original story on the Addventure site, so if you want to follow the original story, just look for the name "Techno Monkey" at the bottom, but otherwise, I want this little section of the BEArchive to be Futanari Palaces personal little playground.

Comments and ideas welcome, and don't be afraid to take a stab at expanding the addventure yourself!

What follows is the new Revised Prologue which just servers to set up the story and does not get into any juicy bits as of yet, if you want to understand the original story though, I would recommend reading it anyway.



P.S. If you want to check out other parts of the ADDventure I recommend using googles "Sitesearch" feature.

Just type in the keyword you want to look for and the site you wanna seach like this:


Without the quotes, of course.