Futanari Palace Halloween Story Challenge

Story by srb

(Edited notes in bold)

Hello everyone, writers and readers alike. Firstly I’d like say hi to you all from the Coalition of Writers social group.:149: I know that it may seem that we haven’t exactly been a really busy or active group, but we’ve actually got the most posts of any social group, and have been around since the beginning, which will be an entire year this December. Strange how time goes…

Since we’ve been around so long, I thought that I would actually do something for once :181: and put forth an idea for a story challenge. I say challenge because I don’t want this to become a contest, or a competition. Actually quite the opposite, I’d love for the writers here to work with one another with the goal in mind of improving the quality of their stories, and each others stories. That is the goal, the idea of the social group, to have writers help writers.

The cold weather is slowly creeping up on everyone, at least to those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.:153: In just a month there’s the day of All Hallows’ Eve, better known as Halloween. It seemed the perfect holiday for a story competition. It gives the chance for the spectacular like zombies or fighting Dracula, while still offering something as mundane as going to a haunted house with one’s girlfriend. It’s a holiday that celebrates transformation, strangeness, oddities, and lets everyone step out of their normal clothes for a bit and explore the macabre, the occult, and a break from the everyday routine.

If you’re interested in writing, great! I’d love for everyone to get involved. All you have to do is join my social group (I accept anyone, usually within a few hours, a day at the most) and write a story, following the rules. I know, rules suck, but I had to come up with some of them. :115:

These are the rules as I can currently conceive them. They may change slightly as time goes on to clarify, but I think that they’re good for now.

Firstly, this is a Halloween contest, and thus, the story must happen on or around Halloween. If you need information I’m sure this wikipedia entry should give you plenty for people who live in countries that don’t normally celebrate the day.

Keeping that in mind, while it’s not exactly a rule but having some sense of the paranormal might naturally be a good place to start writing a story. Vampires, zombies, ghosts, magic, werewolves, and so on would be appropriate to the general sense of the holiday. And if you want to reinvent things like Frankenstein, Bloody Mary, the Headless Horseman, or Nightmare on Elm Street with futanari or just more sex, feel free. Or if you just want people to enjoy a more mundane and boring Halloween of trick-or-treating and going on a candy binge, or a Halloween party as well that’s fine a