Dragonball TL (Futa and Everything)

Story by UMMX

This is an story I tried to wright ,but I will let you guys judge it....

It will have everything Futa, non-futa and big dicks. IT all there.....

Dragonball Lexicon

Deep in forest All along live a little boy name Goku but on this special day he would have two special guest. “LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA hole my hand.. This lowly road… “The young boy sing this song as he makes his way home “Cha-Cha-La-La-cha-cha-cha-La hmm that me in are and la. I love this song! Well got power!!!! Cha-alo-go” That’s when a Naked woman appears in front of with long white hair and white skin! “AHHH Who are you!!!” The woman smiles and walks over and get down on her knees? “I am friend don’t worry I will take care of you. You are Goku right?” the young boy nods “good there is some people I would like you to met, Do you want to go with me goku?” The young boy looks at her? “people?” “Yes people do you want to play a game?” The boy smiles “I love people! Sure I go!” The women smiles “okay do you have your golden ball?” The young man smile as he looks at her and say “sure I have them” and he pulls down his pants put her hands on his balls! “See I have them!” The young woman smiles, “yes you do this balls are great and there soft. Do you have anything else that is round?” Goku knots his “head yap it at my house Why?” The woman continue to rubs his balls “I want you to get so we can go play game with your new friends” Goku smiles and agrees and runs off to his house as the woman follows. Back at Goku’s house the young woman takes out a piece of paper and puts it on the door. “goku are you ready?” the boy smiles “Okay grab my hand and lefts be off” and with that they disappear.

Outside at that moment at girl on a bike appears and walks up to the house and reads the note “If you want the dragonball you must wait!” The young girl looks at the note with a weird look? “How did this person know I was coming?” Somewhere in space goku and the women appear in a bedroom with other naked girls. “Okay goku where here you can take off your clothes now.” Face turn red and his mouth pops open.! “Balls Where are your balls!” as he runs up and grabs one of the naked girls! “NO N