Princess' Pleasure

Story by augusta

This is my first story. Hope you enjoy.

Princess' Pleasure Chapter 1

Princess Evangeline Rose Strongwill sat watching her mother and her father as they addressed the peasants in need of assistance. She was not allowed to express her own opinions on any of the matters, but she was still required to attend. The whole thing bored her to no end. Her muscles ached from sitting for hours and her body itched for some pleasure.

Minutes stretched on, seemingly unending. Finally as the sun began to sink beneath the horizon, the citizens were told to leave and come back the following week. Evangeline rose from her throne and made for the door. Every time she tried to get out before her parents lectured her about something, but she always failed. This day was no different.

“Eva!” Her father's voice rang through the empty hall. “You are always rushing off to your room. What is there that is so important? You know very well that I disapprove of you having intercourse. You are still too young.”

Evangeline rolled her eyes. “Father, I am already seventeen. Mother had me when she was eighteen and you were no doubt fucking her before that. And men, of any age, are not even allowed in my chambers. And why is that the first thing you accuse me of? Why not something like drinking or something similar to that? The first thing you always say is intercourse.”

Her father was beginning to fume. He was never much of an arguer, that was always her mother's forte. That was where she got it from. “Do not speak to me in such a fashion. I am your father and I shall not allow you to talk about me or your mother like that.”

“Same response as always. 'I am the most important person, so you can't be right.' And I never said that mother agreed to letting you fuck her. I just said you fucked her.” With that Evangeline turned to leave before her mother joined in.

Too late. “Evangeline Rose!” Her mother's eyes were locked on her. They bored into her in a way only they could. “Your father only asked out of concern for you. Do not treat him with disrespect just so that you can hide something. I know you well enough to know that that is exactly what you are doing.” Evangeline hated the way her mother could do that. Her father stared at his wife.

Deciding she was close to loosing, Evangeline cut her losses. “My apologies. That was not my intention. I was merely frustrated that I was once again being accused of doing something bad when all I was going to do was eat and go to bed. I have had a long day of sitting while you two discuss matters with the peasants.”

Her father, clearly not catching on, seemed content with her apology. “Fine, but remember, no men.”

“Yes, of course.” Evangeline turned and caught a glimpse of her mother, who was infuriated that she had been let off. She smirked quickly to show her mother that she had taken the victory. Then she walked hurriedly out of the hall.

As soon as she was out of the room a