Story by misfit446

Second part and ending. Hope you enjoyed.


Julie got an elevator quickly and was barely holding back tears as she stabbed the ‘LOBBY’ button. The doors closed. The elevator, with its lousy canned music only made Julie mad. The DING let her know she was down. Marching out of the elevator bank she marched toward the front doors.

‘I should take my fucking gift back,’ she thought as she stopped. She shook her head. ‘No, it isn’t Helen’s fault.’ She went slack with what to do. A distant DING made her turn around. And THERE she was, Kathy walking back toward the banquet room. Anger in a woman is a powerful thing.

So she followed, carefully peering around the doorway. She saw Kathy join a bunch of females, getting hugged and kissed as she was past about obvious relatives.

Though still angry, it waned a bit seeing the love displayed. Deciding to hang around, she watched. The mass of women, ranging in age from eighties to Kathy’s, moved as a mass toward Helen and her new husband.

There was a huge discussion, Dale not very happy. But the women all tried to smooth it over. Though through the loud music Julie couldn’t hear what was said, it seemed that over time, Dale seemed mollified.

So as the party was still going on, the mass of women moved Helen away and toward where Julie was standing. Darting away, she jogged toward the lobby, trying to be nonchalant and hiding behind a large marble pillar.

The group of gabbing women hit the elevator bank and took two elevators. Julie heard one of the older women shout “room 1017!” to the other car.

The doors closed and Julie shivered. ‘What the fuck is going on?’ she thought. Trotting over to the bank she ordered an elevator.

“Come on,” she growled out as a minute past by. Finally the DING went off and she let the other passengers out before she raced in, slamming the tenth floor button. The elevator raced up and soon she stepped out looking for the room number signs. She saw and raced down the passageway. The door was closed. Looking back and forth she placed her ear to the door. All she heard was muffled laughter and talking. Nothing could be made out clearly.

“Shit,” she murmured. Then she sprang back from the doorway, faking a walk toward the elevators as a door nearby opened. A couple came out and followed her toward the elevators.

‘Fuck! Oh well,’ she thought. ‘Fuck it. I’m going home.’ She rode the elevator down with the older couple.

At the lobby, she exited and began to walk out. Coming in from outside was a woman, obviously drunk, dragging the stud that walked Kathy down the aisle. Julie stared at them.

“Hey,” the drunk woman stated broadly. “I saw you at the wedding. Did they go up?”

Julie, confused, only nodded. “Cool. Come on Nick, we got work to do,” the shapely woman slurred out and pulled the guy behind her. He sighed heavily, following.
