The Wide World of RaTe

Story by effefftee

Finally, my first story! I tell you what, this has been long overdue- I've started several, but never got around to finishing them. So, I decided to sit down and not move until I cranked one out.... and lo and behold, here we are!

This story (and hopefully the ones to follow) will take place in the world of the artist RaTe (see their works in the Library), where an organization called the Penis Research Institute exists to help women who want a penis for themselves. This first story is about Kobayashi Mizuo (last name first) and her first sexual encounter after her penis has grown in.

Please, leave any and all comments you have for me- especially criticism. I want to write more stories, so any way you can help me improve will help your reading experience.

And of course, enjoy my first posted work. :D

Kobayashi Mizuo, 26 years old, sighed as she put the newspaper back on her kitchen table. The world was still full of bad things, and unfortunately, no matter how hard one worked, there would always be more.

Not that the shapely brunette was working hard at the moment. Her wavy hazel hair rested on top of the powder-blue robe she currently wore, untied. It fell softly around her breasts, 33 c and perky. The robe scrunched under tender rear, insulating her fanny from the relatively cool wooden seat as she turned to her computer. Once more, she began to search for any good news, but no uplifting stories came to the forefront. She let out another sigh, closing the computer.

Backing the chair away from the table, she stood up, stretching her arms overhead as she did so. She felt a bump on her inner thigh as her flaccid penis settled into position, a feeling she still wasn't quite used to. She finished her stretch, glancing down at the extraneous organ and smiling briefly. It had finally finished growing, according to the nice ladies from the Penis Research Institute. Her testicles had grown in well, too, from the scans they took of her new equipment- she had opted for the external package rather than the internal like some women chose. It felt proper (to her) that if she was going to have a 22-cm organ extending from her genitals that she have the associated parts in full view. Besides, who knew what kind of kinky things one could do with a scrotum?

With her stretch had come a whiff of something else, however- she was in dire need of a shower. Mizuo ducked back into her bedroom, grabbing a fresh pair of panties and a matching brassiere, then headed into the small-yet-roomy bathroom of her apartment. The cool thing about her building was that it was one of the few new apartments with windows installed in t