The Angel's Aprentice

Story by Sketch

Alrighty, I'm feeling a bit writey tonight... so why not kick off a story? I've kinda had this idea running through my head after checking out a few angel themed peices of artwork... but I'll say no more. Enjoy!

PS: If youve ever gotten to know me, it should be no surprise that this is a transformation themed story. Just a heads up


CHAPTER 1: Rebirth

"Uggh.. dammit, come on...." The 17 year old tapped away at his keyboard, sighing a bit in frustration as the page loaded into yet another 404.

"...shit" He tried the address a final time, only to be left in disapointment. The forum site was down again... it could be for quite some time. Needless to say, having no access to freebie porno links had him a bit peeved, not to mention quite unsatisfied.

His name was Devin, an unsocial, unpopular highschool senior. His dirty blonde hair was lazily tied in a ponytail, his facialhair somewhere between 5 o'clock shadow and unkempt. His dull green eyes were at all times hidden behind his glasses, and generally reflected his overall unenthusiasm about... well, most everything. A bluish zip hoodie was, at the time, slipped on over a simple black tee, with a pair of slightly worn jeans completeing the less-than-dynamic outfit. He was slightly pudgy from inactivity, but by no means ugly.He was just incredibly average, almost to a degree of blandness.

But that was all about to change.

His room was suddenly bathed in a white light, the flash causing him to fall from his chair in shock. "AHH! Ngg.. w-what the hell is going on.." A figure was beging to materialize ith in the light, revealing what apeared to be a human silhouette. Devin found himself backing into the wall from an odd mix of excitement and terror, his body shivering from the baffling experience. The silhouette became more detailed with each passing second, quickly taking on the shape of a beautiful woman. "I.. I refuse to believe this is even happening right now..."

After what seemed an eternity, the light disipated, and Devin found himself looking over at a beatiful, blonde haired girl. What's more, she was totally nude. "M-my god... w-w-who are you...?" His body was still shivering slightly from the bizarre experience.

The woman only smiled, winking over at him, curling a finger in hopes he'd aproach. He could only stare back for a moment and shake his head. "N-no... answer me..." Her expression swiftly changed from lustfull to poutty. "Well.. if you NEED to know..." She smirked a bit at him, letting out a small giggle. "My name is Aleina. I'm a messenger for the big guy upstairs, as well as a dealer of devine punishment."

Her peppy tone seemed a bit unnatural considering the gravity of her words. "A.. An angel?!? You honestly expect me to believe that? I mean, granted, you kinda just 'poofed' into my room without any warning, but that light was easily bight enough for anyone to slip in unseen."

She let out a similar smirk. "Hard t