Story by misfit446

THIS IS A ONE SHOT! NO MORE CHAPS SO STOP ASKING FOR THEM! AGAIN, NO MORE CHAPS! Now, if someone wants to run with this, go for it. Maybe Silentpayne will do something with it, who knows? See the thread on Dangerous Dickers 2! Enjoy!


Julie sighed softly as she held onto the vibrating machinery inside the stifling storeroom. Sweat poured down her face and neck, underarms and about her womanly wobbling sack. Her t shirt showed giant wet spots, especially under her bulging D + cups. Even her inch long nipples were sweaty. Her father had built the monster mass of maniacal madness to save money. Paint balls were getting very expensive. Then the environazis got legislation past so that the paint had to be biodegradable. That cost even more.

With the hilly scrubland practically worthless for anything but a bunch of neo soldiers going around shooting at other camo clad guys, playing army like a bunch of little boys, her Daddy built his own paint ball making machine, having done some research.

But instead of using paint of any kind, he had his eldest daughter Julie provide the “paint” for the customers, with some food dye to add color.

This idea came about one day last year when her father caught her pulling her pud at the only watering hole in ten miles. It was an extra warm day and Julie, at fourteen, was working on her all over tan. At first she was just laying out, applying large amounts of sun block about her girlish body and her large boy bits.

As she was wiping her basketball sized testes, she felt that urge she got every morning. Soon her eighteen inches of raging tushy timber smacked her in the eye hard and the rest was history.

Her daddy caught her sending two inch thick geysers of her morning matter fifteen feet into the still air. And this was her second load of the morning, though he didn’t know that private fact.

At dinner that night, the whole family was sitting around the table. “Say hon, just got a great idea.”

“What’s that?” Julie’s mother asked, moving little Vicki from one long and thick nipple to the other dripping one.

“I need Julie to help me work on the business.”

“Well, it’s summer so why not? Julie, you help your Dad. Amanda, you now have house chores to do.”

“Aww, what about my other chores?”

“Rena is old enough now to do those.”

“But Mom . . . .”

“No buts Rena. When I was nine years old I was milking cows, shoveling shit and slopping the pigs. You can do it too.”

So Julie and her Dad began to retool the old paint ball machine to use her prodigious output. Though business was pretty rotten during the winter months, in summer, it blossomed pretty well, always showing a profit, slim as it was. That profit was to become larger with his daughter’s help.

It took two weeks of embarrassing measurments as Julie had to show her Dad just how big she got. With oil stained hands he manhandled her cock, measur