Tales of San Angeles

Story by Revan923

(So this is my first attempt at posting well..anything here. This could be the only post or the first of series involving different characters, we'll see how the reaction is. A few parts may not be clear as to their importance yet, as I said it's supposed to be first of a series if the reaction is positive.

Constructive criticism is welcomed. Keyword there is constructive. Please don't leave "This sucks" without your arguments why :)

Oh and forgive any formatting/grammar errors. Not my strengths. Oh, and thanks to Seraphickit for inspiring me to actually post something!)

Background: The year is 2342. A great Earthquake in 2129 finally did break the State of California in half, but instead of the land sinking to the bottom of the ocean as expected it instead became an island. What was once known as the areas of Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego, simply became the Island of San Angeles.

“Helloooooo San Angeles. It’s a cool 72 degree day, the tides should break early today so for all you surfers this is the day to sneak out of work early….”

Miriam sighed as she leaned back in her chair, feeling the cool ocean breeze sweep across her cheek like a lover’s caress. She longed for the days as a child when she’d spend her summers at the beach, wrestling in the waves with her mother. When she closed her eyes she could still see her mother, a statuesque beauty, with long raven hair flowing in the wind, leading her through the water by both hands. The crystal hue of water was dull in comparison to her mother’s irises.

“Miri, you look so pretty today!”

She smiled inwardly as she heard her mother’s melodic voice. It always soothed her. Slowly she ran her fingers through her own raven hair which was as long and silken. Currently held up mostly in a pearl clip, she allowed one small section to trail down to her heart shaped rear. Many had commented how she was practically a clone of the woman. It wasn’t too far from the truth.

“In the news today, Senator Jackie Lewis of Kansas stepped down today, the result of the recent scandal involving prostitute Amanda Travers and priest John Waller…”

Standing she walked over near the wall, tapping the air as the holo-mirror followed down from nothingness. Looking at her reflection, she scanned herself carefully. Her white lab coat hung perfectly on her shoulders, parted open by the expanse of her beyond generous curves. Having long ago filled out to an EE cup, very few jackets ever closed around her proportions unless they were custom tailored, but she liked it that way. Currently constrained in scarlet V-cut top, her breasts rose proud and firm encased in a matching lace bra. While her breasts were naturally round and firm, she wore a bra for sensibilities sake, knowing otherwise her large and thick nipples would be too much a distraction for the students.

“Suppose I should get ready soon f