My new story - 1st part

Story by Milkmaniac

Hi - this is the first part to a new story I'm writing. I hope you enjoy it so far, and I welcome any comments.

The Secret Camp

By Milkmaniac © 2007

Chapter 1

It seemed to Amy Welker that the month of June would never arrive. Of course, it did, and with it came the end of 10th grade and the beginning of another wonderful summer vacation. Amy wasn’t sure how wonderful this summer vacation would be though, because now that she was sixteen, her parents expected, if not quite demanded, that she work over the summer. She didn’t really mind having to get a job, but she was very unhappy with the fact that she would be spending her time working for her father at his company.

Edgar Welker worked as a chemist for Phuture Pharmaceuticals Corporation. PPC was the biggest employer in Oakmont, which was where the Welkers’ and 40,000 other people lived. Edgar had arranged with his boss for Amy to spend the summer as a lab assistant. She’d learn some basic aspects of the business, and earn better than fast-food bucks to boot. Amy was appreciative, but she really would have rather worked at one of the clothing stores at the mall like some of her other friends.

It was a Saturday, the last one before she was to go to work with her dad, and Amy was moping in her room. It had been raining all day and her mom was shopping and Dad was running his own errands, so she was stuck at home. Feeling lonely, Amy called her friend Catherine, on the phone.

“Hey Cat, it’s me,” she said, with more than a little boredom in her voice.

“What’s up, Aim?” her friend replied.

As Amy was chatting, she was modeling a new top her mom got her for her job. It was a sophisticated and pretty red blouse with bright white buttons. The only problem with it, as far as Amy was concerned was that for some reason the fabric wouldn’t lie flat and even with all but the topmost button done, at certain angles it was very easy to see inside the blouse. Not that there was all that much to see considering that Amy wore a 32A bra, but even so, she wanted to wear something to her first day of work that was less adult and more comfortable for her. Amy tried on several more tops before consulting with Catherine and the two of them agreed that a simple blue t-shirt was the way to go.

Hanging up the phone a little while later, Amy thought, well that killed all of an hour, and looked at the pile of clothes she had strewn about on her bed. She was still wearing the blue shirt and just to make sure, decided to try on the red blouse her mom got her, one last time. There was something intriguing about the way it made her look more mature and worldly even if she was a bit uncomfortable with the open décolletage.

She took off the blue shirt and looked at herself in the mirror. A pretty, brown eyed and brown ha