Heroines? A story of furry futa adventure.

Story by Lpariah

*bows* well Sempai(s) I am now post my first story, anywhere, ever, online. Although I have been a long term dabbler in fiction writing. I wrote this little story and a couple more chapters too, about a year ago and I've just now got the courage. It is Futa/Futa with large err body parts, anal and isn't designed with realism in mind. Please enjoy *bows again*

Note: it is very long, sorry.

Chapter One:

A meeting of “Heroines”!!!

Nettia yawned deeply as she awoke. Her eyes opened only to quickly snap shut again, she growled. It was almost noon already and the bright sunlight shown through the open window almost directly, or so she thought, aligned to blast her retinas. She rubbed her eyes and mumbled curses strong enough to make sailors blush.

Another yawn escaped her before she finished the dual process of waking up and fighting grumpiness. She hated to wake up, no matter how much sleep she had, no matter what time of the day it was, and no matter whom she awoke with. Waking up was her anathema she thought to herself, well to be technical it would be the time or more likely Father Time but no one dare would correct her word usage or they might end up with a broken nose.

So, blinking and cursing, Nettia began her day at the crack of noon. Now this wasn’t too uncommon for her at all, waking up in the A.M. would be her other secondary anathema. A third loud yawn escaped her as she began to stretch, many pops, cracks and snaps were heard. Nettia sat in her bed a moment longer, thinking about how it had never been so soft or smelled so much like…!

“Oh fuck!” She spat and quickly leapt from the bed and landed, without a shred of grace, on the polished wooden floor.

It hadn’t been her bed at all. She was in the room at that fancy inn, the name escaped her suddenly frantic mind, and she remembered very sadly that the check out time was 10 A.M. The price for a single night had been a massive beating to her ever dwindling gold supply.

She raced around the room gathering up her clothes, armor, backpack and other odds and ends of her profession. She was what some people call an adventurer! The word conjures up visions of romantic actions, such as saving a village from rampaging monsters or slaying some sort of dragon or maybe saving the world.

Nettia would have laughed if anyone asked her if she had ever planned to save the world. She would likely turned her lovely tail and ran if someone even made an off-handed comment about hearing about that someone who had once whilst drunk even thought they saw a dragon. In passing.