A Spider Caught In Yarn

Story by VerdeAce

Note: I’m using my favorite universe of the characters (Ultimate)

Here’s the bio of spider-woman of her powers if some of you don’t know…((Who doesn’t?^^))

In Ultimate Spider-Man #98, Spider-Woman is introduced, and in issue #102 it is revealed that she is a clone of Peter Parker whose chromosomes were manipulated to make her female. She resembles Peter, and appears to be the same age (approximately sixteen). Created to act as an agent for the CIA (code name: Spider-Woman), she retains Peter Parker's memories. Cassandra Webb is preparing to erase and supplant those memories in order to create her identity as "Jessica Drew", but she escapes before the process can be carried out. She sometimes responds to this name, and has no trouble acting female, which may indicate that some of the implantation was completed before it was interrupted.

Doctor Octopus reveals himself as the mastermind of the cloning experiments. Jessica and Peter fight him together, and eventually prevail. Peter surrenders to Nick Fury, while Jessica opts to flee. At the close of the storyline, Jessica decides to start a new life and embrace her identity as Jessica Drew. She takes her leave of Peter after what she calls "the most awkward hug in history."

Powers and abilities

Her powers include heightened agility, strength, reflexes, and the ability to stick to walls. Although she lacks venom blasts, Ultimate Spider-Woman can discharge organic webbing from her fingertips. She also can be assumed to have a Spider-Sense, due to her origin as Spider-Man's clone, though she has made no mention of it yet in any of her appearances.

The costume worn by Ultimate Spider-Woman incorporates elements derived from the costumes worn by Julia Carpenter (Arachne), Jessica Drew, and Scarlet Spider in the main Marvel continuity. It is also worth noting the character of Ultimate Spider-Woman, more or less plays the same role that Ben Reilly from the original Clone Saga did, as Peter and Jessica develop a sibling-like relationship after their fight with Doc Ock.

So I don’t expect to see any hate mail from any die hard fans. I have the comic myself XP…

So without further delay, enjoy the story. ^^