Story by misfit446

Again, I am back. This is a start for another few chaps. Enjoy!


Amy Reed stood in the bathroom, dripping with water. Grabbing a towel, she vigorously rubbed down her body, from head to toe.

She was excited. It was going to be her first day working for her Mom and Dad at the business. It was always called ‘the business’. No one really talked about it any other way.

Dad was a mortician. It was an ugly job but somebody had to do it. Mom did the makeup. Having graduated and earning her state cosmetics license, she was going to learn the business and make good money at it.

Wrapping a towel about her slim body, she bobbed out of the bathroom and down the hall to her bedroom. Closing the door, she dropped the towel and stood in front of the full length mirror on the back of her closet door.

Turning her head from side to side she examined her body closely. She was tiny, only five feet five, a hundred and fifteen pounds, but discounted the bathroom scale and agreed she was only a hundred and five. Her ass was rounded, compact but not as luscious as she wanted. Her tits? Eh! Barely a B cup, but her areolas were wide and nipples perpetually hard. Hips were softly rounded. She had a classic vee shape to her, wide shoulders and narrow hips.

But it was her shame that deformed her. Though she wasn’t the only woman in her community that had a cock, hers was pretty intense. No human could take her, no matter what.

Drinking with a bunch of friends out in the country, she did reveal herself to her best buds and actually got her cock into a cow before the beast reared up and ran away. Though her cock stank of smelly animal, it felt wonderful to her to actually penetrate anything warm and somewhat wet.

Not to say she didn’t get action. Oh no. Amy smirked at all the stroke parties she has had over the years with her friends.

And her balls, having grown larger over the years, made her a spooge shooting star! In one hectic, pot infused night, she actually filled a five gallon gas can with her pudding to the utmost amazement of her whoozy, giggly friends.

But the icing on the cake was when Terra, who held the infamous party, woke up to her father shouting blasphemes about the back yard, finding out later he used that can to fill the lawn mower. Oh, that was awful. Amy was never implicated, but it cost Terra’s old man several hundred dollars for a new machine.

With a sigh, she worked her big soft cock up into her insides. She had to. Even with as much as she could take, the rest of her shaft hung down past her knees. Long skirts were her permanent wardrobe.

In high school, she was the nerd who was friends with the cools. But her immediate and trusted friends knew her as a vivacious, mega hung chick that came buckets. Though most of her private friends were girls, there were several guys, comfortable with their own sizes, who were amazed and proud to be friends with a chick w