Story by misfit446

Yes, another start. Still no sex but keep reading. I am truly back. Enjoy!


David Gorham College was a small liberal arts school outside of Peoria. The curriculum was the usual fare. The ratio of women to men was an astounding 80/20. And there were many farm bred dick girls getting their education there. A lot of the larger state universities still held some residual Futa resentment by the majority male student body in the schools. Although this was against the rules, the male students made sure to make any Futa’s feel unwelcome because of the hysterical fear of Futa’s stealing girlfriends from the males.

So smaller colleges, that never approached the number of students the large state institutions had, were now being inundated with an influx of students, mostly women, a shy minority of Futa’s.

And with that influx of dick girls at the local college came parties, fuck parties. The local high school girls now knew about the Futa’s populating the local college and soon dorms were being used for large orgies. The result of these parties became known a month or two later when girls were turning up pregnant.

The uproar from the staid and true farming families with their ‘pure’ pregnant daughters bulging with babies became deafening. The administrators now banned any unauthorized visitors onto the campus and into dormitories. This was to be strictly enforced by the RA’s on each floor as well as upgraded security forces.

This became a problem for the Futa girls. Only so many normal or other futas wanted to get fucked. Most had virile sex drives with churning over large testes, only wanting to fuck some other guy or girl. The girls were easier to seduce, especially when the seducer was sporting a hard cock with proportions above the normal male average.

Friday nights were big deals at Herbert Hoover High School in the town of Rainwater. It was situated fifteen miles from Gorham College. Adele Speer was a cheerleader, just dressing in the locker room as some of the senior girls strolled in late.

“Hey guys, we gotta move here. The game starts in like fifteen minutes.”

“Yeah yeah. Don’t worry about us,” spat Kerry, the head cheerleader. “I know how much time we got, rookie.”

Addie, as she was known, bristled at the comment. Even though, being a junior, this was her first year on the squad, she was as good as any other cheerleader. Her gymnastic training when she was younger helped her perform perfectly on the complicated routines.

Just then Mo burst into the locker room in a rush. “Mo, ohmygod. Are you okay?” asked Addie, seeing her friend flushed and messy.

“I’m okay Addie. I gotta hurry.”

Kerry was in her bra and panties and approached the late Mo. “Hey babe. You’re late. You know what that means.”

“Shut the fuck up Kerry. YOU were late too,” Addie said loudly. The other girls “OOOOHED.”

“Fuck off rookie. You’