Story by misfit446

Told you I was back. This is an intro, so no sex. But descriptions and such and setting of the story. Read it and promise to make it more "special" later on. Here it is.


Lieutenant Barbara Jackson stood tall and proud, her Master Sergeant Peters next to her, just as straight and powerful, her ultra large muscles twitching with anticipation of working with the new recruits in the stifling arid heat.

The New Army began to think of training and deploying these new halfs, commonly known as Futas that were both man and woman to help beef up recruitment. The powers that be had found out that this half species were actually the best of both that made them up. They were the most potent, possessing incredible stamina and with extra intuition that seemed uncanny to the normal world.

So Project Whopper was started with funding through a military black program. The base, in the middle of the desert near the Nellis base, would be away from prying eyes.

In the past, Futas where not allowed to join up. But through pressure from Congress and the populace, the Army had to take them, usually sending those that did join to remote and desolate places around the world.

The NEW ARMY, the restructured military mandated by Congress and a new administration, was trimmed to be a lean, mean fighting machine. Bureaucracy was lessened, communication among the different service arms heightened. Failure was NOT an option anymore, period!

So Barbara Jackson, a then, raw recruit went through literal hell to get where she was now, standing next to her right hand woman, Sergeant Jan Peters, who also went through her own hell. The Army hated them, the New Army didn’t know what to do with them, especially when they hit their respective pay grades. Now with the new Project, things began to fall into place

Because of the secrecy of the new program, any recruits or volunteers would be screened both physically and psychologically at the base. No one WANTED this to get out, at least not yet.

With a nervous sigh, Lt. Jackson watched the black windowed school bus roll down the dusty road toward the front gate. With shrieking brakes, the vehicle stopped. A hand exited the driver’s window, passing out orders and military ID. MSgt. Peters tapped her foot with impatience.

“Easy there Sergeant. Soon enough,” Lt. Jackson stated softly. The busload was allowed through the gate and the dusty vehicle pulled up and stopped. The double doors opened.

Sgt. Peters let out a breath. It took much talking and moving about before the first person exited the bus. Soon, all six were lined up, their voluminous baggage about their feet.

“All right,” MSgt. Peters said loudly, her impressive size made the others shudder under her voice. “Listen up. This is our Lieutenant Jackson. She’s gonna save your sorry asses when the time comes. Personally, I’d say don’t bother.”

Trying to hide a smirk, Lt. Jackson came f