The Distorted Dresspheres

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: The Distorted Dresspheres

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Final Fantasy X-2

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Final Fantasy X-2 or any of its characters. No profit is made.

PARING: Paine/Yuna


NOTE: The title of this fic probably should have been 'The Distorted Dressphere', but my almost obsessive compulsion to leave the possibility of a sequel open compelled me to add that extra 's'.

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Paine rarely felt surprised, but she couldn't deny feeling just a touch of it when she saw Yuna entering her quarters wearing the stainless robes of a White Mage. Granted, she had been using that particular dressphere a lot lately, but as far as Paine knew she didn't count it as part of her regular wardrobe just yet.

"Can I help you?" Paine asked, not bothering to rise from her seat.

Yuna looked at her, then blushed while a look that seemed like mild shock flashed across her face, then looked down at the floor. "I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment, M- Paine," she whispered.

Paine raised an eyebrow, but decided not to comment. "Sure. What about?"

Yuna kept staring at the floor. The white hood hid her face and the robes cloaked much of her body language, but Paine was pretty sure Yuna felt pretty conflicted about... whatever she wanted to talk about.

"Well?" Paine prompted after getting tired of waiting.

"I... I guess I'd better show you, my... I mean... Paine."

Paine waited patiently while Yuna went through the dressphere switch, her white robes vanishing to make place for her more familiar Gunner outfit. As she neared the end of her transformation, Paine could see confidence returning Yuna and the girl raised her eyes above floor level. But the most obvious change was taking place in Yuna's hotpants. They positively bulged.

Yuna gasped when she had changed clothes completely and, seeming without thinking, reached down to loosen her hotpants just long enough for her penis move upright. Her hard, erect penis.

"Huh," said Paine.

"See?" said Yuna, her voice now sounding a lot more confident as well.

"Yeah," Paine replied.

For some reason Paine found her eyes drawn towards Yuna's new member. She tried to look up at the girl's face because she was vaguely aware of the fact that that was the polite thing to do, but for some reason her gaze always returned to the cock poking out of her shorts. There was something strangely attractive about the thing. Probably because Yuna was such a terribly girly girl. She just didn't expect to see something like that on someone like her, if she expected to see something like that on someone female at all.

"Guess I understand why you covered yourself up in robes."

"What? Oh, no, I don't have it when I'm a White Mage," Yuna said.

"That so?" Paine said. "Problem solved then."

"No," Yuna objected. "These are my regular clothes. I don't want to lose them just because wearing them makes me have... you know... this."

"I see your point," Paine said, briefly managing to look Yuna in the eyes. "B