The Lecture

Story by mcfruit

To start of this is full of hyper endowed/size related content, so if you're not into that stuff you probably won't want to read it.

This story is takes place at a magical school in a little fantasy world I've created, and is about five herm professors lecturing on extreme and strange cocks. It is divided into five parts which are extreme length, extreme thickness, multiple cocks, modifications, and extreme modifications.

To give you a fair warning, everything (dicks,breasts,vaginas) is huge in this story.

The first part is on length, and it features six feet+ cocks. You might wonder what the hell is there to talking concerning them, but I assure you there is quite a bit to lecture on. I probably should post the background to said fantasy world, but everything you need to know is interlaced in the story so I don't think its necessary.

Here is the first part of the first lecture called Porrouso.

The Lecture: Porrouso

There are two types of debates and lectures at any magical college. The first and most common type are lectures about magical theory and its application. While these tend to be boring and often long-winded, they are important part of the learning process for all students. The second type is much less common than the first, however almost everybody would be gladly sit through a eight hours of the first type just for one hour of the second.

Debates and lectures of the second type are about sexual power, talking about its uses, its applications, debating about which types of body modifications provide the most pleasure, with a rare few just being excuses to show off incredible displays of sexual might. Unlike the first type of lecture all students of all ranks are allowed to attend, and often it is just as much of a performance as a lecture.

Being that the type of lecture Carmella Ross was about to conduct fell into the latter type, she wanted to look nothing less then exceptional for her audience. This was one of those rare times where senior mages like herself could show off their endowments, as all professors at Densia university had to follow a strict orsco only dress code most of the time being that mages with bodies like hers could incite a riot of masturbation when nude even around some of the higher level students. Carmella had one of the highest sexual power levels at the university due to years of training, studying, and a few choice magical items.

Carmella carefully studied her reflection in the mirror of her dressing room in the backstage of the university's grand theater, checking out how her outfit looked. As a Cldyoa Centaur she was one the largest types of centaurs in more ways than one, and at 8'3, Carmella towered over almost all of the students and most of her coll