Rainbow (femboy)

Story by larkinjet

Don't hate me but i changed the name of the one of the main characters. it just didn't seem right. also added a dream sequence that is not essential but adds color. If you care, it is near the end of this post


by Larkin

I love to look at myself in the mirror. I spent loads of time there. I am absolutely sure that I am high on the list of the world’s prettiest people. I comb my beautiful blond hair this way and that and practice making all different kinds of expressions and faces. I open my mouth and stick out my tongue as far as I can then look really close at my eyes and then I blink them real quick. Sometimes, I turn quickly and act like I was suddenly surprised by a camera crew that was following me because I am so famous. Then I would make a face and say, I have no time for paparazzi. After that, my bodyguards would rush me to the airport.

I would carry on conversations with myself all the time. “Rainbow, you have a phone call from Paris Hilton.”

I would say, “Tell her I’ll call her later.”

“Oh Rainbow, Hannah Montana says that she’ll meet you at Disneyworld on Friday.”

Oh, that was just my agent.

I would say, “Tell her I can’t make it and that Britney and I are friends again and we are going on tour together.”

There was a loud knock on the bathroom door. It was my Mother. “Richard, what are you doing in there, you have been in there for an hour!”

I yelled back, “Okay, I’m coming.”

I hate my name Richard. It just doesn’t have anything to do with me. I’m so not Richard. That’s why I changed it to Rainbow

You know, I wish I was a magician and I could cast spells on people. I’m sure I’d be a good magician. Of course I wouldn’t be old and wear a robe, I would be young beautiful and be surrounded with nymphs and magical beings that I created. I would live in a castle that was high in the mountains and everyone in the kingdom would love me.

“Richard! Get out of the bathroom; other people have to use it!”

I picked up my clothes and quietly slipped out and back into my bed room. Why is the real world so awful? Why is it grey, angry and unhappy? I climb up on my bed and cuddled with my Hello Kitty pillow. Like always, my Mother barges into my room.

“Richard, put some clothes on and change out of those underpants so I can wash them.”

I tried to hide them but she came over to my bed and tugged my hand out from under Hello Kitty.

“Richard, why do you do this? Why do you paint your finger nails like a girl? You know it makes the boys pick on you. If you come home crying I can’t do anything about it.”

She bent down closer to me and offered me a tidbit of sympathy. “Richard, if I could change the World for you, I would, but I can’t. This is just how the World is. Richard, you can’t be a baby your whole life. Someday soo