The Aftermath (non-futa)

Story by Steiner309

Ok, a non-futa story probably isn't going to be the first thing read here but I've had a couple of friends read this and they liked it so I thought I'd share. I'm not sure if I want to keep going to just leave it as a short story. It's my first attempt at first person and I'm vague for a reason. Anyway, any questions, comments, concerns, bitches, gripes or complaints are all welcome. Oh, but I want to know who you envision the main character as.


The Apocalypse came swiftly for those of us unprepared. Fire raining from the sky, rivers of blood, the whole nine yards; it all seemed rather wasted. Those who had long since feared this day were gone before the turmoil began and those of us who remained were only disheartened by these events. We knew there was no more heaven or hell; simply Earth. Our realm became the battle ground. The information I found didn't even cover what was happening. I guess that's the risk you run from reading a book as fictional as the bible.

In what became known as the Aftermath humans struggled to maintain our existence. Though none of us were really sure what we were fighting for, as there was no more going to heaven or hell. You simply died, then joined the more evil of the two sides. Heaven didn't seem to need recruits. The angels that anyone saw rarely fell in battle, their wings seemed only to glow brighter as each battle reached its bloodiest climax.

The demons were almost the same. Though they sometimes fell to an angel easily where did the demons have to go? They simply reformed at the rear of the hellacious formation and continued to fight on.

All of this made the humans rather unsettled. If the demons couldn't defeat the angels, what chance did we have? Once more, if the angels couldn't destroy the demons once and for all, then what were we going to do? It was a continuing circle of bloody warfare, one that the humans fought in only to maintain their survival.

The humans, or Unforgivables, as some angels had been heard calling us, lived in the shattered remains of what was once our world. Now seeming alien even to us our daily routine consisted of scavenging for the scarce food we could find, and hiding from the more deadly demons.

Chapter 1

I can only imagine, and don't really want to, the pain he must have been feeling as the arrow pierced his left shoulder. We hadn't seen the Scout. The forward angel for their main force had made his final decision to make the first strike and call in the remainder of the troops. The shining arrow had arced high across the sky, how no one had seen it was a question that would have to be asked later.

As we rushed to our vehicles I stopped to look back toward where the arrow had originated. We wouldn't make it out before the Angels and Demons met in the remains of what was once a thriving metropolis. As I climbed behind the wheel of the beaten and battered Toyota 4Runne