Final Fantasy VII: The Black Skirt

Story by swaswj

Author's note: Okay, this is one you all might like more, although it's one of my least favorite stories I've written :P

Hmm. Not every story I've written has Yuffie in it, but looks like all three futa stories do. Go figure.

{Ff, Futa, oral, NC}

The Black Skirt

Stomach roiling, the girl stared up at the bright mid-day sun, past the cargo boxes all around her. The young ninja was trying desperately to keep her stomach stilled and avoid throwing up once more, groaning with each wave that rolled past the ship.

Staring as she was into the clear blue sky, it took her a long moment to realize that the ship wasn't roiling as much or that they were docking. Her eyes opened up eagerly and she rolled to her feet.

Gulping, the teen steadied herself against a crate and covered her mouth, almost losing a little bit more lunch from the sudden movement. She needed to get away from this stupid boat! Screw the gangplank! She moved quickly -- but not too quickly -- to the side rails.

From down below, she could already hear Barret on the ground yelling. She groaned again -- partially at the still-rocking boat -- already annoyed by the loud-mouthed mercenary.

"Damn! Sure is hot here!" he yelled, failing horribly at the 'low profile' he always insisted they keep. "But I sure feel better now that I can say good-bye to this sailor suit! Yo, listen up!"

Yuffie reached the railing, and saw the others directly below her. The drop was somewhere around a thirty-foot drop, and maybe ten feet to clear the water. She didn't even think about it. Grinning at the prospect of dry land, Yuffie put one foot on the rail and leaped outward, wind whipping through her short brown hair. The ninja touched down lightly, except for her happy sigh of relief at the feel of solid, unmoving concrete!

"Ya'll be sure to mingle like regular folks here!" Barret was shouting. Yuffie scoffed -- he was a broad-shouldered, loud-mouthed black guy with a gun on his arm. Who was he to tell them to act like regular folk?

Enjoying the feeling of being on solid ground again, Yuffie turned and jogged to the end of the pier, hoping to get some of the shakiness out of her legs.

"Oh, too bad," Aerith was saying as the teen ran away, "I liked Barret's sailor suit. He looked so cute."

There was this cool red airplane floating in the water at the end of the dock. Yuffie paused to look at it -- even though she would never get in one! -- but then some older guy in a Speedo saw her and started waving. "What'ya mean 'cute!'" Barret was shouting. Yuffie nervously waved back, and then the guy winked at her.

Eww. Yuffie turned and jogged back to the others. It felt great to stretch her legs again! She sidled up behind Red.

"Right...well, uh... Barret, why don't you use that sailor suit for pajamas?" Tifa was saying. She turned to their bl