
Story by Theromen

“All the young girls love Alice,

“Tender young Alice,” they’d say,

Won’t you come by to see me,

Won’t you come by to please me,

Alice is it my turn today?” – Elton John


A slight breeze tossed a bit of old yellowed newspaper about fitfully in the small lot that was tucked behind the small row of businesses not far from the school, which dominated the other side of the street. A pretty blonde girl peered past the end of the corner of the hidden little lot, partly expecting some one to pass by but mostly because she had to concentrate on something beside the sensations that were thrilling through her even at that moment. She stood practically on her tiptoes, her hips languidly rocking as she used her arms to brace herself on the roof of the Cadillac that was the conveyance of the woman in the car. The woman was supermodel gorgeous. Her every day clothes were designer wear tailor made pieces. The diamonds in her platinum bracelet and earrings were real. The auburn haired tanned and toned lovely was Collessa Worthington. The fact that she was filthy rich was obvious. Why she was parked in the dingy alley way in one of New York’s less savory areas with her face in a school girl’s crotch would be a very good question for any John Q law that might pass by to ask. Luck seemed to be on the unlikely couples side though as no one seemed to travel the alley this early in the morning. Their unlikely union continued.

The blonde girl was no slouch in the looks department herself, despite the fact she didn’t have any fancy label designer clothes or jewelry. She was evenly tanned all over with a gifted figure of her own for a girl her age, only she lacked Collessa’s statuesque height. Her eyes were bright blue like the sky on a cloudless day, and her lips those of a pouting sex kitten. Her bosom was full and firm pushing against the white uniform dress shirt she wore, almost seeming to strain in its confines. The girls golden hair danced about her buttocks as she worked her hips in the time old rhythm of intercourse. This activity made her toned legs sand out and it was obvious that Collessa was enjoying the feel of those svelte thighs as her hands roamed appreciatively over the well-rounded bottom of the blonde girl and those lovely legs.

The blonde girl eased back on her rocking as once more she felt her thighs starting to tremble. A familiar reaction was building in her and her pretty features were contorted in a mask of concentration as she resisted the obvious cue to just burst out in frothing relief. A muffled hum o