The View From a Cat's Eye (catgirl, futa, shotacon)

Story by srb

Don't read if under 18 or illegal in your little corner of the world, like you'll listen. This should appear only on my site F3, Futanari Palace, and at the Grey Archive, and some other places they might end up, they know who they are. Any websites that want to host my story must have expressed written consent to do so. I will list all websites that I have granted permission to list my stories there. If you are reading this now and find this on a new website, then please email me at somerandombastard (at) yahoo (dot) com

This is copyright me, so don’t call it yours. Feedback can be left here. I created all the characters, they are all fictional, and any relevance to anyone living or dead, is incidental.

This chapter doesn’t have sex yet, but has a shota and a neko

The View From a Cat’s Eye

Chapter 1,

Thinking About Me-ow

I can’t wait! I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’t wait! He’s gonna be here soon! I can tell, when the shade from the tree covers the window, it’s almost time for the big yellow metal house to come and drop him off! I’m so bored now, but he’s gonna be here soon!

Mistress tells me I can’t go outside. I guess it’s cause I misbehaved, but it’s not my fault! I had to go potty! I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to go in the neighbor’s lawn. I was trying to mark my territory anyway. I hate the shiny white litter box! It’s full of water, and there’s not even any sand! Well at least the paper is better than using my tongue, but I still don’t like it. And the big bowl of water scares me.

My Mistress doesn’t even like me in the windows either. I’m not supposed to be seen, on account of being one of a kind. I still go in the window anyway, but the back one. I wish I could go outside sometimes and chase the birds and the chipmunks. And the other cats and dogs run through there like they own the place. That’s my house, I should be defending it! even the old guy who puts the papers through the door hole gets to walk around my yard.

When Mistress is at work all day, and her son at school or at camp, I’ve got to be at home by myself. It’s not like I have ANYTHING to do either. I sharpen my claws on the couch, but they spray me with water when I do that. They tried to teach me how to do other stuff, like cook, but I almost burned the house down. I got so scared I hid underneath the bed until the big guys in coats went away. Their truck was so scary, it had a big sprayer thing and I didn’t wanna get wet!

I know I’m one of a kind, but it’s not fair. I’m not supposed to get caught either. So I got to stay here in the house all day. That’s why I’m looking forward to him coming home! He’s almost here too