Fantasy Taylor

Story by Senshi

A (very short) one shot story I wrote recently at my local library, and posted on Not much in terms of plot here. Just an insert TAB A into SLOT B story, nothing special. It didn't explain much or go as far as the actual story it was planned to be. Folks might like it though.

Alice teetered into one of the four bathroom stalls in the bar. She had entered twenty minutes ago, and had finished emptying her alcohol filled bladder nineteen minutes afterward. Alice was slumped against the stall, staring not at the golden pond in the toilet, but with eyes on what she held in both hands. Her clench was loose and hadn't faltered since capturing it. For ten minutes, Alice only squeezed and stared at the object. Then she began stroking it, tracing her fingertips around and along it. She purposely toyed with her captive, musing whether or not she should throttle or torture it for her amusement and pleasure.

Strangulation was the method Alice used often. She opted not to jerk--instead suffocate and wrench until it began to bubble and quietly gurgle. She would torture it slowly until the head popped and began to ooze its warm, sticky contents between her fingers. She would remain statuesque then, wincing and chuckling at once, watching it drain then dangle limp in her palms. Occasionally, it would spasm and continue to twitch with life even after death, and she would beat it into submission with increased aggression, this time throttling and using all the vigor she could muster. Sometimes it took two to four strangulations to quell its vitality. Intentional at times, with Alice provoking it once or twice a week, when the need for pleasure overwhelmed her, or when the usual stimulation wasn't enough or not available.

She'd been like this for twelve years now, experiencing feelings and fulfillment exclusively with the opposite sex, when they accepted her differences as a woman. But on nights like this, when deepseated regret and depression clawed at her psyche, Alice would experience feelings she considered (and hoped) would be alien to her new identity. She struggled with them in her adolescent and teenage years, attempting to banish them despite outside forces working to impose them on her. There had been the faintest attraction to what she was now during puberty, though she associated that with her need to become it. And it had subsided after the transition, though only for the first few years. It returned around the time she started taking medication to stimulate the growth of her breasts and womanly features, accompanied by mild acne on her face and buttocks.

Alice had been forewarned of a possible increase in libido and other effects, but hadn't anticipated her past emotions would return. She endured for years after, indulging in sodomy with willing m