How I Solved My Nightmares (futa/lolicon, incest)

Story by srb

Don't read if under 18 or illegal in your little corner of the world, like you'll listen. This should appear only on my site F3, Futanari Palace, and at the Grey Archive, and some other places they might end up, they know who they are. Any websites that want to host my story must have expressed written consent to do so. I will list all websites that I have granted permission to list my stories there. If you are reading this now and find this on a new website, then please email me at somerandombastard (at) yahoo (dot) com

This is copyright me, so don’t call it yours. Feedback can be left here. I created all the characters, they are all fictional, and any relevance to anyone living or dead, is incidental.

This story contains futa/loli, lolicon, oral, slight ncon, impreg, incest

How I Solved My Nightmares

Okay, I’m in trouble. And I don’t mean like, you know I broke a window trouble, or I stole a tube of lipstick trouble, or I dropped out of school trouble, or even I got caught with a bag of drugs trouble. I mean a huge pile of big, big trouble.

Sorry, I know it’s kind of a bad way to start out like that, but it’s true. And now I’ve got a ton of free time on my hands, because of it, so I want to explain it. Gramma insists that I do something with my time, so I wanted to write. At least this way I can search the web when she’s not looking. I kind of have to anyway, there’s so much I’ve got to learn now. And I thought going to normal school was bad.

I should probably start from the beginning. He-he, I read a story that started that way once, so I guess I’ll use it. But what beginning? Err, that doesn’t make sense, I mean, at what point in time should I call the beginning.

Well about a year and a half ago, my sister, oh her name’s Nina, her and her girlfriend got engaged. Sis popped the question, by the way, if you were interested. And her girlfriend Mary said yes. It was so awesome, and I’m so happy for them. We live in Massachusetts, so they can get married legally and everything. I even get to be the maid of honor! It was so perfect… For them. For me, it was terrible. I know that sounds awful, like I’m some self centered spoiled brat, but I’ll explain. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.

Okay, don’t, like, treat me like a little kid. I’m not a little kid, okay? I’m thirteen years old, but I have these problems. See, I have anxiety, really bad anxiety. Like, I have to take medication for it and I’m still shaking. I mean, not all the time, you know. I’m sorry, I suck at explaining it. I have these medications I take that are supposed to help, and they do during the day, but that’s not my problem.

See, my parents are gone. They died driving home one day, like, right outside of my home. A