The kingdom of Shivalia.

Story by crytox

This is the first chapter to my new story. It is going to involve a world of nothing but futa's and normal girls, and then the cows. The cows are futa's who harvested for their cum to be sold to the kingdom for their own personal uses. I am not sure as to what the main conflict of the story is going to involve but i am thinking a war between a forgein kingdom who wants to capture Shivalia for the ability to produce such great quality of cum. Well any ways her is the forst chapter hope you enjoy it. There is not much detail in the story right now as this is just the rough draft to get the main story ideas fleshed out, hoep you enjoy.


“My queen the village is ready for the harvest, they say that have small crop but the product is the best they have ever seen.” The knight said kneeling in front of the queens throne set atop a pyramid if steps.

“Hmmm, we will see if they truly have produced a crop worthy enough to have not reached their quota. Take your normal squad out and test this new crop to see if they are lying. If they are then take the usual to reach their quota. Do you understand?” The queen asked motioned for one of her servant girls to come up and help her queen.

“Yes of course my queen, you have my word that the village will meet there quota. What should I do if the crop is as good as they say it is?” The knight asked raising her head ever so slightly to see the servant girl kneel to the ground and take her queens half erect cock in her mouth pleasuring it.

“That is a good question. If it is as good as they say then take the usual so that they can meet their quota, if we allow one village to skimp away from their quotas then we are inviting others to do the same. If this were to occur then we would begin to run dangerously low on the life blood of this kingdom.” She replied placing her hand on top of the servant girls head petting the short blonde hair.

“Yes of course. It is only right to make them hold true to their contract. I will head out with the first of the morning; we should be able to return with the crop within a week’s time.”

“Very good, I expect a full report when you return, now leave me, I have more pressing matters to attend to right now.”

“Yes your highness.”

The knight raised and turned toward the door making haste to it so that the queen would not become too horny in that time to demand her return to help make her come. The doors were opened by the guards posted there, as she stepped into the high ceilinged royal hall she turned around to gaze upon her queen. She had made the servant girl move from her kneeling position to atop of her lap. As the doors were closing she could see the look of pure lust upon the face of the poor servant girl as she moved her hips in a hurry to make herself come. The knight could have sworn she heard a soft laughter come from the queen. A smile broke across the knights face, she loved to watch servant girl try and take