Camp Poja

Story by mcfruit

Here is another sorta of weird one, featuring hyper endowed people, multiple cocks, huge boobs, huge clits, etc. The only warning that is sort of necessary is that sex is a little rough in this chapter, and I plan on making a series out of this. Any comments how to improve my writing are appreciated, and I hoped I worked most of the kinks out of it.

Camp Poja

Chapter 1

“Fuck this camp, fuck everybody at this camp, and most of all, fuck that bitch judge Helen for sending me to this fucking place,” cursed Erica under her breath. Oh how she had thought she had gotten off easy when she was sentenced to mandatory community service at Camp Poja instead of doing the usual three years of jail time for fraud. She had to stop herself from bursting out laughing in the courtroom at the judge's face at such a joke of a penalty. However any notions that she got the better of the two choices were dispelled the moment she arrived at the camp.

She'd been at the camp for less than a day now, and she was already wishing they had sent her to jail instead, as it was a fucking resort compared to this. They had her working as the front desk attendant, in one of the only main buildings at the camp that had no AC. It was easily over 95 degrees outside, and Erica had nothing to relieve her of the heat but the few fans near where she sat, that at best gave her the illusion they were cooling her off. The thing she hated most about the heat was how it made her sweat to the point that it felt like there was a greasy film covering her skin. However it wasn't the heat, or her shitty job that made her rage so. It was the fact that almost every single fucking person at this camp was more well endowed than her.

Erica herself was about 5'8, with long blond hair, green eyes, fair skin, and the body of a porn star. Using the combo of her wits and her gorgeous figure, she had conned loads of money from people and companies with a few right words to the right people, as well as the use of her sexual skills. Her body had always been her biggest asset, as it was mostly responsible for her success at her criminal career, and she probably wouldn't had even gotten through high school without it.

At Camp Poja, not only was she surrounded by people better looking than her who worked at the camp, but she had the added humiliation of seeing girls almost half her age more endowed than her. What the fuck was she supposed to do with girls like this running around? She had no real skills other than her sexual ones, and how could she con anyone anymore using her sex appeal when there were younger and better looking girls out there who would have sex with them for free.

Looking down at