Mai Valentine

Story by games4yosoul

This is a story I wrote for a valentine's day sex story contest last year and hoped you all might enjoy it here. Its a male on shemale story but the male isnt on the receiving end if you get my drift. lol Comments and criticisms alike are welcomed and wanted, so please tell me what you thought of it.

Mai Valentine

“Damn another Valentine’s day spent alone,” I mutter crushing another beer can and tossing it in the corner. This was the sixth consecutive Valentine’s Day I had spent right here in my shitty apartment slumped over in my recliner getting wasted on cheap ass beer. The problem wasn’t getting the girl, it was keeping the girl and I’ll be damned if every time I had a steady relationship we never made it until Valentine’s Day. I was cursed I tell you cursed with the St. Valentine’s Day Curse. Janelle my most recent relationship broke up with me two, count em two fucking days before Valentine’s Day! Cursed I tell you I’m cursed!

It was a horrible holiday anyway, ruined by unrealistic expectations and the media, not only that but this particular Valentine’s Day it was raining like cats and dogs outside and a thunderstorm was brewing.

“Damn it!” I said turning off the TV and dropping the remote nothing on TV put sappy ass chick flicks and romance movie marathons. I grabbed my keys off the counter and decided to go for a drive to clear my head and escape my loneliness. I was just a little buzzed still plenty lucid enough to drive.

It was around 11 something at night as I cruised the streets downtown the few people I saw still on the streets were mostly couples running hand in hand to their cars or homes to get out of the rain, “The curse strikes again” just serving to remind me that I was alone.

I turned down Main Street and saw all the storefronts advertising their holiday specials with posters of couples kissing and holding each other. The sight made me sick to my stomach with loneness. I’ll be glad when morning comes and this god-forsaken day ends. I drove around town for a while with images and constant reminders of my loneliness at every turn.

The café were Janelle and I first meet the place beside the light pole where we first kissed, god it was down right sickening. I was beginning to think another lonely Valentine’s Day with Mr. Checkers my cat was better than this tour of torture. I turned down the street that would take me the back to my apartment and my empty bed.

At this point, I felt like the most miserable guy in the world as I drove down the backside of main street. Then I say someone that looked like they were almost as miserable as I was, they were huddled under a jacket at the end of the corner. As I got closer, I could make out a female form. I slowed down to get a better look. She was a tall blonde-haired woman with sexy legs wearing