The Witchcraft Club

Story by Josephine

Lately, I've been working on quite a few pet projects, like translating a couple of manga and studying my ass off in Japanese. Oh, and not failing this semester at college. There had been another story brewing in the back of my mind since before I finished A Young Witch, and it came into being nearly the second I realized how I wanted A Young Witch to end. As before, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I have a few more chapters already written, but I'll be releasing them gradually, to give you all time to read each one and to give myself time to finish it, now that classes are over. This won't be nearly as long as AYW, but hopefully it will be just as enjoyable.

The Witchcraft Club

by Iris Caldor

Table of Contents:

Prologue: Neophyte

Chapter 1: Initiate

Chapter 2: Sister

Chapter 3: Tested

Chapter 4: Adept

Chapter 5: Mistress

Chapter 6: Founder

Disclaimer: This story contains graphic and explicit descriptions of sexual intercourse between persons of hypothetical intersexed gender, and sex with tentacles. If it is illegal for you to view this content, I don't really care. You're here at your own risk, and I claim no responsibility for your actions on the internet. If you are offended by this content, I really don't even know why you're on this site. You've been warned.

My name is Jess.

Not Jessica, or Jessie, or even Jezebel. Just Jess. I won't even tell you my last name. If I did, they would find me, and my friends, and then all the human race would be doomed.

Hee-hee! Okay, okay, just kidding. My last name is Huddleton. Jess Huddleton. I just wanted to sound cool by starting out my story like I was one of the Animorphs or something. At least it was better than that redundant 'it was a dark and stormy night' line, don't you think? And no, there's no evil aliens invading us. In fact, that'd be downright boring compared to my life now.

I'm actually just a normal highschool student. Well, I was. I wasn't scene or prep or goth or emo or neo-beat, I was just a girl struggling to get through her classes with a fairly active social life. My best friend at the time, Michelle, was the wierd one. She was the lesbo computer geek with a guy's haircut. Another girl who hung out with us was Mary, and she's a Christian. She's a little annoying and gets in all kinds of arguments with Michelle over her sexuality, but we more or less get along.

Oh. That's right. I go to Dainsworth High, in a small town on the outskirt