Fuchsia's new encounter. (Warning alot of sick stuff in later chapters)

Story by Demon Girl

I do not own Fuchsia,though I really really wish I did but she belongs to Linty. Ty baby for letting me make a story with her <3 you ^_^.

It was a somewhat boring morning for a teenager in highschool,she had just finished gym and was all sweaty now this girls name was Julie. Though she was different then most girls,as she was changing to get into the shower her limp cock hung from between her legs aswell as her balls. Yes she was a futa but she rather liked it having both female and male parts helped her with when she got horny. Julie herself was somewhat tall,black hair and blue eyes her breasts were triple E sized and though she looked snooty she was acutally kind to others,but she also had a secret she had a crazed sex evil demon inside of her.

Now her demon which was named Lympth was a crazy sex bloodlust demon,she was a pyschopath she sometimes took over Julie's body and screwed whoever she wanted and then sometimes killed them after and ate their remains to further her pleasure. Though if she really had a good screwing she would use her demonic powers and revive them and the person would remember everything that happened,and usually ran away from her,her other powers include making a girls bust grow bigger with every cum dump in or on them and impregnating girls with demons instantly if she wished it so.

But it really didn't bother Julie at all,she had gotton use to it and there wasn't really anything she could do to save the victims since she didn't have the powers her demon did. After getting undressed Julie went into the showers and started to clean herself of the dirt and sweat from PE. "ugh I really hate PE and getting sweaty"Julie thought as she cleaned her sexy curvy body off.

After a few minutes she stepped out of the shower and started to get dressed again,just as she got on her pants the door to the locker room opened and closed with a slam. She froze for abit and then saw Fuchsia walking in smirking at her"oh and what do we have here hmm?"she asked gazing down getting a look at Julie's large rack. Her own large GGG breasts bounced as she moved to get undressed bending over to open her locker to get her clothes.

Julie seeing Fuchsia walk infront of her and bend over showing that tight ass started to get her cock hard in her pants. "Uh oh...no gotta..keep control.."Julie thought trying to think of anything but Fuchsia's hot busty body,it wasn't working. Julie kept trying but her body wasn't listening instead her arms wrapped around Fuchsia's body and pinned her to the lockers making a shouting sound from the girl.

"Hey what are you doing let me go!"Fuchsia shouted struggling,she then felt something hard poke her ass and suddenly she stopped and smirked widley licking her lips. "Mmm...another like Linty? I guess Julie can be a sub for her cock"Fuchsia thought smirking as she turned around to facing Julie almost pushing her large breasts into her face. She then grabbed the large bul