
Story by Euplonka

I was drunk. I still haven't slept. I wanted to bang something out. This is just a one shot most likely, since I have no real plans for these characters. Its also pretty rough, but have at it. :p



The lounge for the bus station was completely empty, save for a single girl. A casual observer would say her defining characteristic would be dirt. The girl was just plain dirty. Not entirely her fault of course, but it had been over a week since her skin last felt soap. And it had been over 3 weeks since her hair had known shampoo. She tucked the matted brown mess into her swiss cheese black hoodie. Her blue jeans were just as worse. Even though blue was what they were once called. Regardless of the tattered clothes and dirt, Cathy did have a cute face. Her skin had spent countless days baking under the open sun, which gave her a dark tan. But being in her late teens kept her skin taunt, and not weather beaten or wrinkly.

Cathy absent mindedly stared out the window of the bus station. She was sitting in the middle of the uneven rows of mismatched, hard plastic chairs. She could vaguely feel her hands twirl the ends of her ratty sweater. At least the snow outside gave her a decent screen, as she replayed the events that lead her to the bus station.

She had arrived at the old north eastern town after hitching a ride from a nice man in a hover-semi. The man was nice because he didn't shoot her once he found her stowed between the rig and trailer. Later, Cathy managed to find an exhaust vent shooting warm air into an alley, and was able to have the first warm sleep she could recall in weeks. When she woke up, she saw a man passed out and leaning against a dumpster. He didn't really move all the much as she rifled through his pockets. Honestly, it was his own fault for carrying such a fat wallet. With her new funding, Cathy was able to splurge on a warm meal of hot soup. Even though the restaurant bot gave her a hard time about not having any identification, the cash shut him up.

The wad she scored lasted till mid day. But when she walked out of the shoe store in her warm and comfortable new boots, Cathy saw the flashing lights above a wanted poster. The sidewalk billboard showed a picture of the man Cathy had seen in the alley. Apparently he was dead now, and the cops were looking for any information. After quickly ditching the guy's wallet, Cathy made her way to the bus terminal. She had plenty of cash to get to somewhere with a warmer climate. Cathy had always heard that Florida was a nice place to live... At least that's what she though, until the cashier bot listed off the prices. Since she wanted to have some money left over, she settled on a ticket to St. Louis.

Cathy's thoughts were interrupted when another girl loudly entered the bus station. The unkempt girl that entered, looked about the same age as Cathy. She was shivering from the cold